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  • annievdl7

WowWomen (Part 1)

It is 9 August 2021 – the day to celebrate ALL the wonderful women I know… those who made marks and those who are still influencing the adventurous journey of my life.

I am acquainted with many, however, there are a few close ones who became my loyal, true friends. With them, I have a special bond of love and affection. Although my circle is small, I value quality and not quantity. They are the best assets in my life, because they share my highs, my sorrows, know about my difficulties, sooth my pain and make me happy.

We all have one thing in common – boobs, even though they may come in different shapes and sizes. Whether they need a 32AA, or a 44DD bra, or if they are silicone or plastic, they are my girlfriends. I agree with a wise woman (well it must have been a woman): “Friends are like bra’s – close to your heart and there for support”.

Let me introduce you to my girl gang:

1. The family friend: Like the saying goes: “You can not choose your family”, but in my case, they are one of my biggest blessings. We are three sisters – the three musketeers. I can assure you that even “The Three ‘real’ Musketeers” (the heroic, chivalrous swordsmen who fought for justice) will be put to shame if by any chance injustice is done to our children. I guess we have learned from the best – our mother.

2. The friend who’s up for anything anytime: My neighbor and her mother’s enthusiasm is contagious. Whenever one of them walk into my house, you can literally feel the atmosphere lifting with their bubbly personalities. They bring sunshine and fun into my life.

3. The believing friend: We had both gone through the same crisis (I can almost call it a midlife crisis if we look at our age) which necessitated us to start all over. She thinks I can change the world. When I doubt my own capabilities, she encourages me to step out of my comfort zone – for instance: making (and even someday appearing in) TikTok videos with my mediocre social media background. She is the wind beneath my wings.

4. The wise, discerning friend: She knows my heart. She is real. That is why she can smell fake a mile away. When trouble strikes, she is ALWAYS there. She fights my battles with me - on her knees. We do not have the same mother, but we have the same Father.

5. The endurance racers: These friends started the marathon with me, at school/university/colleagues/Playball-partners/moms with boys... There are a whole bunch of them. We do not see each other as much as I would like. Although we may be on different paths at the moment, I know we will all reach the same destination in the end. We speak the same language and we all know that we are just a phone call or a whatsapp away, even though we now bloom where we are planted.

6. The serving friend: She was my trusted friend who knew more about my family than anybody else, because she made the beds, washed the dishes, hung the clothes, put out the trash and eventually helped me pack my bags.

7. The sticky friend: She is one of those soulmates who walked into my life when I was at my worst and many others walked out. She embraces my overthinking INFJ character. I never have to put on a brave face before her. She knows me better than I know myself and accepts me unconditionally. I know she will stick like glue. We are another version of the Mpho and Mphonyana chronicle.

8. The fighting friend:: Oh, how she conquered! What an example! I have never seen such a fighting spirit in anyone. With every end of every remission, she cried for a minute…smiled…and then made new plans. She fought a brave battle here on earth (not for herself, but for all she loved) and found freedom in heavenly places.

9. The fit friends: They keep me on my toes by not saying a word, I just have to see them. With one look at their fabulousness, I start yet another fat-free diet and put my feet into running shoes for a few or five days.

10. My strong, survivor friends: I can count them on my one hand. A Lifesaver came to our rescue. We survived. We are here to tell our stories. The string that holds us together is called: Hope. The glue that holds us attached to each other also has a name – Empathy.

11. My fancy-nancy friends: They danced into my life when my youngest moved schools. I was warned about them – “stiff-necked, nose-in-the-air, rich-b__” they were called. Instead, they have already tasted the sweet in life and did not try to make my sweet bitter. They became family. I have given them a new name: My ‘absolut’ amazing friends.

12. My Team Thrive friends: They thought I was their coach, but I learned much more from them. I saw that with focus, discipline and hard work, any challenge is just another opportunity to grow and get better. They taught me that I should use my mistakes to master my art, not to dwell on them, but to accept them. They showed me that we are only as strong as our weakest link. I have learned compassion for others, courage to stand up after a failure, and resilience to keep on going until the end. It is here where I found the benefit of belonging.

We need different types of friends in the same way that we need food from different food groups. Friends serve different purposes and nourish and enrich our lives in different ways.

Just one more thing about bra’s… “Friends are like bras. Some offer great support; others seem grey and dull after a little while. Some are fancy, but with no substance. Great ones are hard to find. When you find a good one, you cherish it forever and hope you never lose it.

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