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  • annievdl7

When the TEST becomes a TESTIMONY

When Anatello came to light, Women’s Camps were never part of the vision God had shown me. Or so I thought. In October 2021 it was spoken over me at another Women’s Camp “Maak jou kop skoon!”. Suezette Smit, the presenter said: “You should do what I do”. Little did I know that being there at Oudemuragie, as part of the healing process, my head will be cleared and I would be able to let go of my past at last. This camp was the final nail in the coffin – two dead demons, hurt and bitterness were left behind in the Klein Karoo. For a second or two I enjoyed my victory and freedom, until another two soldiers arrived. The battlefield was my mind. Fear and Faith started fighting. One soldier would be defeated and one would be victorious.

Fear did not need to introduce himself. It was not the first time that he knocked on my door and strolled in. Also, he never visits alone. He is accompanied by Rejection, Inferior and Doubt. They are thieves and destroyers, and have always been hindrances in my walk of faith: ‘Am I good enough? Who do I think I am? Am I worthy? Am I able?’

I recognized Fear immediately. There was a mask on his face with FEAR written in bold on it. The difference was that THIS time, I did not entertain him, and/or his liar friends. I ripped off the mask and felt brave enough to spit in his face. But who and what I saw standing there, unmasked, was not who I expected to see. It was an unpleasant surprise. I was confronted with Unbelief, all along masked as Fear. The testing of my faith started right there in my center of my living room.

Suddenly I had to practice what I preach. I had to BELIEVE that where God guide, He will provide. And that was daunting. Later that day, I had coffee with a friend. While babbling and bubbling over about my freedom-feeling, I told her that I was thinking about having a camp. She immediately asked to be involved (behind the scenes) in serving the food to the guests. I was astonished. Now let me tell you – this lady CAN cook! Can you see the train leaving the station? I sang to the Lord: “Yummy, yummy, yummy, I’ve got food in my tummy”.

I think God smiled and He announced the name for the camp: “WWW Camp: Wakey Wakey Wakey – it is time to stand up”.

The Holy Spirit nudged me to step out in faith and book a venue in March 2022 - Anatello’s 1- year anniversary. I was led to a peaceful gem next to the Wilge-river, StoneChat Lodge. Speaking about names…the name itself spoke to me: “He replied, I tell you that if these keep silent, the very stones will cry out” (Luke 19:40). Two nights were booked and I wondered how, when, where, or if there will be funds for this event. As this was my first camp, I saw it as my first fruits to the Lord and did not want to put a fee on any woman’s healing experience. The lodge was perfect for the amount of attendees the Lord gave me: The Perfect 10.

Out of the blue, a friend called to ask for the banking details of StoneChat Lodge. The Lord has placed it on her heart to settle the amount needed for the ‘venue of rescue’. My joy knew no bounds!

The next day my bubble was burst. I received a call from the owner of the lodge. With my phone next to one ear and Unbelief whispering in the other, I heard that the booking was made on a long-weekend and we need to book for 3 nights, or choose another date. The Spirit hushed Unbelief and said: “I was in the tomb for 3 nights, and the next morning I woke up.” (John 20) Feeling unworthy to ask the benefactor for more funds, I sent a message. She had already received a Word from the Lord the previous night. She was going to sponsor ALL three nights. Still doubting His provision? There’s MORE!

God Himself arrived at the camp before us. We noticed Him in the clouds, where He opened a gate and showered us with His blessings. He only revealed this to us on Monday morning.

During this weekend-retreat with Him, we stood on the Rock.

"And the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock" (Matthew 7:25), we crawled like babies in green pastures, (Psalm 23:2), and shared, wept, loved and encouraged our new-found family next to the river (Psalm 23:2).

Revelations 7:17: "For the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will be their Shepherd, and He will guide them to the springs of the waters of life; and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."

Our sad tears are rippling over the rocks in the Wilge-river, together with God’s clean, refreshing ‘rain shower’. They won’t swim upstream again and they are replaced with tears of joy. A small spark of hope from the flames in the boma, ignited a fire in our souls again.

By the rivers of Babylon, the Sisterhood woke up! (Psalm 137: 1-4)

We have risen , we are standing and are picking up our harps. "And if the Spirit of Him Who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, then He Who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also restore to life your mortal (short-lived, perishable) bodes through His Spirit who dwells in you." (Romans 8:11)


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