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  • annievdl7


What if heaven is a place on earth? I am sure that it will be called Oudemuragie, or Swartberge. Here, life is life and life is light and Light.

The Swartberge reminded me that mountains are nature’s giants. They made me feel small and insignificant, and yet, I drove out of that farm gate with a zest for life which I somehow have lost along the line and did not even realize it. But what I realized once again, was what is important in life.

If Oudemuragie is not heaven, then at least it is a piece of heaven, and I took the peace of heaven with me to have and to hold and to share.

Life is often compared to the challenges we face when climbing up a mountain, or slip-sliding the slopes of the mountain, face-planting in the valley. Mountains to climb are everywhere. These mountains have different names: surgery, cancer, debt, drought, floods, divorce, death, covid… Many times they seem like insurmountable obstacles – we are either on the way to the top, or mountains may stand in front of us, blocking our way to our destination.

BUT… mountains can be moved or removed. Mark 11: 23 “Amen, I tell you, if someone says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but trusts that what he says is happening so shall it be for him.” The word ‘says’ means eipon in Greek, translated, it means to command. It does not mean we should chat to the mountain. If this is not encouraging, I do not know WHAT will be!

In the Swartberge I received a welcoming, glorious greeting from God when the sun woke up in the morning. When I opened my eyes (literally and figuratively) the beautiful scenery captured my my heart and soul. I was drawn closer to God and was ready to explore more, to know more and to understand more. I asked God to explain His mountains and valleys to me. We hiked far, high and low enough to lose signal, but what we found was His signs and wonders.

The top of the mountain can only be reached one step at a time. It is challenging and often difficult. When we reach the top of the mountain and embrace the view from above, it will give us perspective to be positive when we are down in the valley. Everyone has the ability to reach the top, as long as you are willing and you choose to NOT give up…if you choose to not quit halfway. Remember: when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. We also find that there, on top, is enough space for more than one of us. These days at the top we feel showered with blessings: health, wealth, abundance and peace...

"The best view comes after the hardest climb."- We dream of Travel

Mountain tops are meant to transform us by the glory of God, and valleys are designed to conform us to be more like Christ. See, the mountain tops are necessary to inspire and equip us for the valleys. Yet, our souls have this need to remain on the mountaintop. When our prayers are answered, it feels as if we are above all problems. On the top, it is easy to praise God. We celebrate and enjoy those times on the mountain tops, where we feel close to the Lord, but with a snap of a finger, we may find ourselves in the valley of despair.

“Some mountains only require a good pair of shoes. Others require an entire team to conquer. Knowing which is which is the key to success.” - We Dream of Travel

Valleys represent the times when you feel threatened, troubled, tested and on trial - when you are down in the dumps. Throughout our lifetime, we will descend into many valleys – valleys of depression. It is in these lows of our lives, that we should not doubt the promises of God. He will never leave us or forsake us. God will never give us more than we could handle.

When you are in the hollow, look for the waterfalls and the streams. Let them take your breath away. Seek the silver lining on the leaves. Even shadows can be beautiful. Drink the refreshing water and rest in His green pastures. Wash your spirit clean.

“Mountaintops inspire leaders; valleys mature them” - Winston Churchill

Just as the earth is not only a flat surface and a smooth ride, life has its ups and downs too. There are many ways to praise God on the mountaintops, as well as in the valleys:

· Pray - tell Him honestly how you feel, even if He knows.

· Get godly counsel - speak to a pastor or a friend where you feel safe, where you would not be judged.

· Read the Word - you will hear His voice.

· Listen to Praise and Worship music – do what Paul did in prison.

· Name that mountain.

· Let your attitude be gratitude, no matter what the altitude.

Mountain climbing has so many analogies to our daily lives. If God has brought us to a difficult place, it will not be His intention to leave us there. He will lead us up to the top again. We learn dignity in the difficulty and humility in the hurting. No matter where we find ourselves, rest assured that He rules over every situation – from the high places to the low places.

One thing is sure, you will appreciate the mountaintop more if you have experienced the valleys. Be realistic. Ask yourself if you are making a mountain out of a molehill. And ask: will we only praise him on top of the mountain, not when there is a mountain in my way?

Maybe you are searching for angels, or running from demons, then the mountains are the best place to be…ask me.

Name your mountains, each one of them, and command them to move and/or leave. When the mountain is out of the way, you will see God clearly and you will be able to focus on Him. It will not block the path between you and Him any longer. When the mountain is gone, you can focus on the Mountain-maker.

Then…it will be heaven on earth!

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