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  • annievdl7

Wearing the suit of sacrifice

As a mom of two boys (well…they are 21 and 23 years old), I often think about Mary, the mother of Jesus. How would I ever be able to sacrifice one of my sons? Millions of times, I have asked the Father that, if at all possible, that cup could pass me by. If my devotion, trust, and faithfulness were tested, will I be as obedient as Mary? Mary faced difficulties from the beginning – pregnant, (claiming to be a virgin?), and Simeon’s prayer/warning “And a sword will pierce your own soul too” (Luke 2: 35). Think about the ‘elite’ who turned against her son. What must have gone through her heart and mind seeing her son being whipped and then being put on a cross? As her son was pierced, she felt the sword in her gut, as prophesied. As I see it, she could not be certain that by sacrificing her son, there would be a ‘happily ever after’ for them. But she was obedient.

To sacrifice means giving up something valuable for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy. I am convinced that we all have made some sacrifices in our lives. To be successful in any area, we need to sacrifice. We can even go so far as to say that success equals sacrifice. Why is sacrifice a necessary part of life? It is often about discipline and prioritization – something or someone we need to accommodate. Sacrifice may make us sad and mad, instead of excited. At this very moment I am trying to lose a few pounds, meaning I need to sacrifice my juicy steak with the crunchy fat, and be content with chicken breast. I am trying my best to stay focused on the reward. I need to remind myself a few times a day that what seems to be attractive to me now, will distract me from my original goals, therefore I should endure a little discomfort for a while.

Sacrifice, in my opinion, is a result of our norms and values. That is why we should be clear on what is valuable to us in our lives, before we decide what to sacrifice. Whatever we value is the root of care, friendship, loyalty, love, and our level of success. By choosing (yes, it is intentional), we make room for something bigger or better. Sacrifices can not be measured by any amount of money, we usually pay emotionally or socially.

Different sacrifices people make to achieve their goals and be successful in this life are:

  • Time – time for ourselves, time with family and friends

  • Stability (9 – 5 safety) - there is no safety net

  • Personal life and relationships – taking care of your responsibilities without neglecting, or even rejecting loved ones can be a challenge

  • Sleep – being part of the 5am club and sometimes being the midnight owl

  • Health – which is a no-no. Self-care should be our first consideration - there should be a work-life balance

  • Quiet times, fun, and vacation – jam-packed lives and busyness won’t last forever, and it is easy to get distracted by social events. Your circle of friends will get smaller and smaller. It is important to remember who helped you to be who you are today, and to keep the future in mind. Who’s going to support you on your journey, and hold your hand when you ‘have made it’?

  • Sanity – aspirations for the future will be challenging and will test our stress levels

  • Immediate desires – these temptations can cause us to choose the ‘comfortable, easy’ option, losing sight of our ultimate vision.

Professional athletes are another example of the ones who need to make these sacrifices mentioned above. They train 25 to 45 hours per week, and all athletes risk sacrificing their long-term physical well-being. Maintaining proper nutrition can undermine a host of popular social activities.

And then…there is Jesus! We will never fully appreciate who He is until we fully understand what He has done for us, what sacrifice he made for us:

  • by His wounds we are healed (Isaiah 53: 5)

  • He emptied Himself for us to be full (Isaiah 53: 12)

  • He was judged and found guilty so that we can live free of guilt (Romans 4: 25)

  • Jesus died for our sins once and for all. Our job is only to confess, repent and turn to Him (1 Peter 3: 18)

  • He became our sin, and we became righteous. He made a trade with us on the cross (2 Corinthians 5: 21)

This perfect example shows us what sacrifices are pleasing to God. We should strive to live a life of sacrifice and make the best of our precious gift of life. We should offer ourselves as living sacrifices (Hebrews 12:1). Offer all of you - your time, ambitions, plans, hopes, desires, possessions, and your heart and mind. Honor one another above yourselves. Live in harmony with one another. Live at peace with everyone. Let go of pride. Offer sacrifices of praise with your lips (Hebrews13: 15, 16). This type of sacrificial love allows God to transform us to become less and less, so that He can become more and more. Clothe yourself with love in action. Always keep in mind:

· Life comes with an expiry date!

· There is no replay button in life!

In the end, to be successful and to reach our goals, it will be required to do things which won’t give us momentary pleasure, but in the long run, it will be beneficial to us. The people in the world who achieved the most are the ones who sacrificed the most.

It is worth it to forfeit one thing for another. When you eventually reach the top of the mountain, you will be so glad that you never gave up during the journey.

You have got to lose some to gain some.

“Oh Mary, are you now singing DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR STING?”

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