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  • annievdl7


Something very unfortunate happened to me during the previous week. Fortunately, it is compulsory to wear a mask in public at all times. Those who were the laughing stock eight days ago, suddenly had my sympathy. It was payback. Without any passengers I could endanger with droplets of possible Corona, I drove my car, wearing a surgical mask diligently and obediently.

Intercare Dental was my first stop. “My smile has been stolen”, I told Dr Carmi. My right front tooth was broken in half. With one bite of ginger, I became the laughing stock at home. It was not a pretty sight. My family gave me a few pitiful glances, but they laughed at the disaster staring back at them. I giggled along behind my hand – like a nervous teenager.

Corona has some advantages. In the not too distant past, the idea of someone in a mask was exciting and romantic, reminding us of highwaymen and masked balls. It resonated with mystery.

Recent studies revealed more about the wearing of masks. Many of us are hiding emotions and inside scars behind masks. Emotional masking is defined as concealing one’s emotion by portraying another emotion. Typically, smiling occurs when individuals who are experiencing depression, hide behind a smile to convince others that they are happy.

Did you know that there is actually a name for that? ECCEDENTESIAST. According to it is someone who hide their pain behind a smile, when all they want to do is hide and/or die. Their smiles are as fake as their happiness.

Why are we hiding our sadness and tears from the world? We do not share, because we fear judgement or believe wrongly that others won’t understand. It may even become a habit developed over time, or may be a result of past traumatic experiences. Masking can be strongly influenced by environmental factors such as rejection; emotional, physical or sexual abuse. These repressed emotions affect our health as well as our relationships. I can assure you, through experience, that there are many ways to hide. Headphones may drown the noise between our ears. Sunglasses and make-up hide the puffy/blue eyes and as a bonus you can also pretend to be a celebrity. Being the clown in town is another way to hide the hurt.

You can fool a few, but not all. I remember way back at my son’s 2nd birthday party. I dressed up like a clown. My own son did not recognize me and ran away from the “fun”. I had to call him to the side, take off the red nose and ridiculous hat and speak in my own voice to calm him down. Then he said: “Oh…it’s you”.

Why is it better to take off that smiley mask?

1. We can live to our full potential. Take it off completely. Do not let it hang on one ear. That is like keeping a back door open. Oscar Wild said: “You should be yourself. Everyone else is taken.”

2. It is a relief! Have you felt your jaws after a photo shoot? It is SO exhausting to fake a smile all the time.

3. You can heal. Show the real you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.


Hold your gifts out to the world! NO apology! NO shame! NO regrets!

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