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  • annievdl7

Walk the talk - Testimony Two(too)

THIS one is for those dealing with trust issues – like myself! I have said last week that unbelief is only masked as fear. It’s a harsh statement, but it is the truth. Have you realized that, in the kingdom of God, you will write a test over and over again until you won’t fail anymore? Yes, God is that patient with our human nature that He will help us until we make it. We won’t even have to fake it.

Eleos’s StreetShower, this past weekend, was one of my many trust-tests. I don’t want to bore you with the details, but some of it are needed to explain the faithfulness of God. Wherever God guides, He provides. To plan an event of this nature, lots of willing people, time and money are needed.

Starting as the Marketing Manager of Eleos only 6 weeks ago, we had two major events – one fundraiser, The Bosveld Trap (19-21 March, the same weekend as our first Anatello camp) and on Saturday, the 9th of April, the StreetShower.

I could not find a describing word for ‘pliggie’, but according to the Urban Dictionary it is a South African word meaning someone who works hard at school, does all their homework and studies for a test. They could have written my name in there as a synonym, because that is who I am. My father told me that if something is worth doing, it is worth doing well. Needless to say, I am one of those who do the hustling thing, rather than the trusting thing. No, I want to interrupt myself and say: “I WAS one of those doing the hustling thing, rather than the trusting thing.”

One of the things prophesied over me in church, was that I have the gift of faith (I Corinthians 12: 7-11). At another biblical seminar, it was confirmed. For almost 15 years I have tapped myself on the shoulder, not cherishing the fact that it was a gift – a gift from the Holy Spirit. I had nothing to do with it. Somehow, I have left this gift in the corner gathering dust, because when I needed this gift, also my shield of faith (Ephesians 6:6), I came to the conclusion that I have either grown a lot, or my shield had shrunk, because when I picked it up, it seemed so SMALL. Where and how will I find the people, the time and the money within 3 weeks? And on top of it, I had more things to do! Where will my help come from? (Psalm 121: 1,2).

I went for prayer after church the Sunday night, trying to put my anxiety to rest. Two bible studies later, the wrestling turned into resting. It was also divine intervention when God showed up in an Audi on a very busy N4/N1 interchange one morning between meetings. The number plate of the car in front of me was… APRIL 9. (I must admit that I have tried to take a picture with my phone…while driving, but my Juke was not a match for the speedy Audi.)

We have sent the invitations for the banquet and the Lord has provided (Luke 14: 12-14)

We were 252 hands and feet (volunteers) at Daspoort StreetShower and open hearts and hands (sponsors) provided funds for 140 homeless guests to be served with:

· Coffee/tea

· Pancakes

· A hair- and nail cut

· A warm shower and a bag of toiletries

· Clothes from top to toe - a brand-new shirt, underwear, jeans, socks and shoes

· A rain poncho

· The washing of their feet

· Ministering and prayer

· A belt (Ephesians 6:14)

· A laminated curriculum vitae (complete with photo and strengths) (Jeremiah 29:11)

· Counselling

· Medical tests, lip ice, sunscreen and ointments

· A festive, warm meal

Our guests came in dirty, but left clean. They came hungry, and were fed. They arrived hopeless, but departed with a spark of hope. They walked in unloved, and walked out loved. Cold hearts started melting under the warm covering of the Blood and the Spirit. God breathed and showers of blessings came raining down on us. I have experienced mercy in action, and dignity restored through love.

“In your busy rat-race, take time to help those who suffer from rat-bites.” Anna Leigh

Psalm 40: 1-10 (CEB):

“I put all my hope in the Lord. He leaned down to me; He listened to my cry for help. He lifted me out of the pit of death, out of the mud and filth, and set my feet on solid rock. He steadied my legs. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise for our God. Many people will learn of this and be amazed; they will trust the Lord. Those who put their trust in the Lord, who pay no attention to the proud or to those who follow lies, are truly happy! You, Lord my God! You’ve done so many things – Your wonderful deeds and Your plans for us – no one can compare with You! If I were to proclaim and talk about all of them, they would be too numerous to count! You don’t relish sacrifices or offerings; you don’t require entirely burned offerings or compensation offerings – but You have given me ears! So, I said, “Here I come! I’m inscribed in the written scroll. I want to do Your will, my God. Your Instruction is deep within me. I’ve told the good news of Your righteousness in the great assembly. I didn’t hold anything back – as You well know, Lord! I didn’t keep your righteousness only to myself. I declared Your faithfulness and Your salvation. I didn’t hide Your loyal love and trustworthiness from the great assembly.”

Photo credits to: Eleos, StreetShower, Basileia Patria

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