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  • annievdl7

Tuning in to 'The Voice'

Are you ready for a new adventure? An adventure turning down the noise of this world and tuning in to heavenly advice? For the next 3 weeks, I will tune in to the best radio station there is – I’ve named it ‘The Voice’. How incredibly glorious would that be if it was as easy as turning a knob or pressing the ‘next’ button on the car radio. Can you just imagine that, while searching, you come across the voice of God?

Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

As I am starting VOL VROU SEASON 5 on the 6th of March, I decided to not be caught off guard again.

Digging deep into past hurts and self-hate the previous season - She understood her mission - was a very emotional experience, although it was absolutely necessary. THIS time, I’m chasing STEPS. I am going to STEP in prepared. I am going to follow Nehemiah’s example when he received troubling news regarding the Jewish people - he fasted and prayed (Nehemiah 1:4). I will not RUN, because Nehemiah’s first response was not to run to people, he went to God. He looked up.

Psalm 121:1, 2”: “I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

During the previous challenge, I drank water whenever I felt hungry, but this time I will take my hunger pains as a reminder to look up. I will talk to God, and I will listen. I am sure that there will be a lot of reflection time again. Gerridene were given a new topic from the Lord: ‘A mighty victory over your battles’ (inspired by Deborah). I will have to look within again. As our Father is the Revealer of all Truth, and He knows me better than I know myself, I know that He will reveal things to me again – sin, hurt, and wrong attitudes. I am looking forward to become even lighter. I will also look out for others who will benefit from being set free.

My body, this vehicle carrying me into eternity, should get new tires – tires with traction - to keep me on course and keep me moving in the right direction. I don’t want to slide. Getting side tracked or having too many distractions along the way, are not an option. My goal is to gain traction - a great, steadfast relationship with God. My entertainment can add to losing traction on my relationship with the Father. How many hours do I spend on social media, youtube, tiktok, or watching TV? Entertainment in itself is not a bad thing, but sometimes something good can rob us from something great. Becoming distracted and preoccupied, is the cause of losing traction. To fast from this, is to pull away from the noise of this world and tune in to God. It gives us more time with God, more time to pray:

Formula 1 racing is going to be a NO! I will rather use Pete Greig’s formula and Jesus’s example to gain traction on my 4 wheels:

P = Pause - position myself to receive from Him

R = Rejoice – there is so much to be thankful for

A = Ask – request about my needs in faith

Y = Yield – listen to God’s direction

Luke 5:16 “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”

Why would I feel the need to fast? Have you ever felt stuck? Do you know things need to change, but you don’t know where to begin? Change is challenging. To try, can be scary and to fail, can bring us shame. But to stagnate will only keep us in our comfort zones. If we want something to change, WE will have to change. Our vision needs to change. We will have to do something different, take new steps, do new things, make new plans, and test new recipes.

It is very difficult to start something new when you lack motivation, but THIS is the time to get up and go! When Elijah came out of a grueling experience (1 Kings 19), he hid in a dark cave. God spoke to him there in his ‘time-out’. We are all human – vulnerable, but I have decided that I am going to give myself ‘time-out’. Instead of sitting in the corner and mope, I am going to sit in the prayer closet. While Elijah sat in the quietness of the cave, God appeared dramatically through wind and fire, and then in a faint whisper. This is how we all can step into our new assignment.

Don’t fear fasting. Rather fear to misunderstand the purpose of fasting. I have not fasted for a while, in fear of letting God down or not being able to stick to my fast. I think about excuses even before I start. One of my biggest challenges is trying to do things in my own strength. It tires me. So this time, I am fasting to let go of hurrying and running around to get things done; I am literally going to sit and trust God to give me strength to rely on His strength. My fast will be going from ‘fast’ to ‘slow’. I will fast from wrong words, wrong food and wrong thinking. Fasting will mean filling myself with nourishing Food.

Whatever your imperfect situation may be, it is the perfect time to fast.

  • Detach from the drama in your life

  • Unplug from social media

  • Extend time of prayer and Bible study

  • Have a closer look at your desires – what are the things controlling you?

  • Weed out those wrong wants

Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”

Psalm 63: 5: “I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of food; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.”

I am going to be the best me I can be! What about you?

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