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  • annievdl7


A few weeks ago, after an invitation, I was standing with open arms and a begging heart in front of the church, waiting for the apostolic anointing to ‘fall’ on me. A beautiful young lady came with the ‘pouring’. I am one of those hungry hunters in church. If there is something I could have, even if I have it already, I want more. I am greedy for His gifts. Usually when they start praying for me, my knees wobble, then I am down and out and hope my soul is soaking in whatever is happening. I normally turn deaf to the outside world. It was different this time...

While standing there, waiting in my crisp-clean white shoes, it suddenly felt as if I was literally bathed in oil. A heaviness (a good one) fell on my head. My ears were working overtime and I stood steadfast in my shoes. Still, it was breath-taking. My begging heart was now racing with excitement, and I was drinking in every word/Word spoken. Suddenly the anointed, well-meaning lady started kicking my shoes. Now if you know me, really know me, you will know that I think it is a sin to wear dirty shoes, so my attention immediately shifted to my clean shoes. Until she said: “These feet have been standing still for too long, they need to get moving”. Let me tell you, if they were running shoes, I would have started racing, together with my heart, right there and then.

Isn’t it true that we sometimes think we are not wearing the right shoes for the assignment? But the truth is: when we follow in His footsteps, we already have what it takes. A willing heart will automatically get your feet into motion. You will have feet of readiness - ready to always share God with others. Never use the ‘wrong shoes’, or in my case ‘the clean shoes’ as an excuse.

Ephesians 6:15 “as shoes for your feet put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace” (New Revised Standard Version)

We should always be prepared. Ultimately, the shoes of the gospel of peace will also equip us to fight for Christ in the spiritual battles we face. Although any shoe can work, we should keep in mind that there are shoes for every occasion. What type of shoes will you be wearing to dress for success?

1. Sleek and sophisticated always add swag to your outfit. I won’t suggest that you wear high heels ‘untrained’. And by training I recommend you walk with a Bible on your head down the hallway, as well as up and down the stairs. The scary part when wearing these is that you might look down on others in your fancy footgear, or worse, not be approachable. Platform shoes might be the cause of you standing on a pedestal. Never let your shoes be your downfall, especially if you can’t balance yourself properly on them. I have watched numerous videos of ‘want to be models’ tumbling down like new-born calves.

2. Speaking about training…Your cross-trainers can be a great choice for comfort but dripping in sweat (not even talking about the smell) is not that attractive. No one wants to come close to someone drenched in salty water. I don’t think we should take ‘be the salt on the earth’ that literally.

3. A pair of sneakers may be casually kickin’ it, along with your jeans and a tee, but keep in mind who you will be having a conversation with. The suit-and-tie-guy might not take you seriously.

4. At times you need to give your ‘work’ shoes a rest. Dress down – put a pair of loafers in the boot to look more down to earth for your audience.

5. You don’t need to abandon your flip-flops altogether. They are for beachcombing –wear them at the December outreach. They are rubber-soled if the conversation gets a little heated (like the sand underneath your feet). You can also class them up with suede or leather slip-ons later that day on your evening out.

There is a time, a place and a shoe for everything. Whatever shoes you are wearing, they are actually called EMPATHY - understanding and comprehending what someone else is feeling. It is not understanding them for your benefit, but to understand them for their benefit. Develop this marvelous skill to its fullest potential to help the other person out. Not only will someone open up more easily, but it will bring a great sense of satisfaction to you. Don’t assume you know somebody well, until you have walked a mile in their shoes. To stress the point I am making: I remember that I had to borrow a friend’s sports shoes to play a netball game at a fun-day in high school. Because of her supination, I was walking with bowed legs in her shoes, and ended up with a broken foot. Take note: always wear your own shoes.

Shoes are often a focal point. Watch closely - they talk. They make statements about a personality and even at times, income. When you notice this important accessory on someone, you can immediately identify who you are talking to. Are they laid-back? Can you see this pair is one of many in their closet? Or do they look as if they have been worn for decades? If you see someone without shoes, give them yours. Go barefoot. Even that will do the trick.

When following in Jesus’s footsteps, remember that you have big shoes to fill. When you have your shoes of readiness on your feet – walk or run with Him, don’t rush ahead. His presence is the open door, you should walk through it, and walk with it. Wear the boots, but remember that without a helmet, a breastplate, a shield, a belt and a sword, you won’t get far.

Whenever you doubt your abilities and you think you are on ‘Mission Impossible’, knock them off their feet…WASH THEIR FEET.

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