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  • annievdl7

@ The Father's Table (The Buffet - Part 2)

The revelation of the ‘burning biceps’ (last week’s post) came earlier than I expected. It also served as a reminder that we should be careful what we ask for…we might just get it! I am sharing Part 2 of the buffet. Hope you are hungry, as this buffet is a 5-course meal – hors d’oeuvre, appetizer, salad, main course, and dessert. It means that we are now on the second course only.

I remember standing ‘bakhand’ while waiting in the prayer line. BAKHAND. I have searched everywhere to find the English word. According to MyMemory by Translated LABS, the translation is ‘standing hand’, but this is not doing the word justice. Still, I hope that you get the picture. I was not at all shy – I was standing with my arms wide open – greedy and without hesitation. I was ready for a big handful of whatever the Lord will place in my arms. I was asking for MORE.

Later, as the puzzle was being put together, I started seeing the bigger picture. Suddenly the burning biceps - after the prayer where the fire of the Lord touched me - started making sense. Maybe it is because of my continuous knocking on heaven’s door. Eish, I am delighted that the Father IS patience, kindness, and grace, otherwise He would have brushed off this little girl’s question she repeated: 'WHY? WHY? WHY?'

Last Monday, I literally started lifting heavier weights to get my biceps stronger. In a while, I will be able to brag about new peaks. These peaks will grow in this new season God is taking me in. I have carried a few mountains in my life, but I have also conquered many. My arms are empty and ready to carry something new.

To carry something new, you must get rid of all the other things you are carrying. Empty your hands of all:

- shame

- hurts

- hang ups

- toxic habits

- resentments

- guilt

Get rid of the heavy load. Leave it behind or find someone to help you carry it. Carry it to the feet of Jesus. And remember: It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.

Galatians 6:2 “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the Law of Christ.”

There are many ways to help other’s carry their burdens:

  • Serve them with the Bread of Life (John 6:35)

  • Serve them with Living Water (John 7:38)

  • Help them carry their burdens – listen with love (Galatians 6:2)

  • Carry them in prayer (James 5:16)

  • Carry the wounded out of their battlefield (1 Kings 22:34)

  • When you are standing, bend down and reach out to those who cannot even sit (Proverbs 17:22)

  • Pull those who are drowning in the dark, closer to the Light (Jude 1:23)

  • Push some (who are on the path of self-destruction), gently in the right direction (John 14:6)

@ The Father’s Table at Living Word Montana, has revealed to me how Jesus served His disciples around the table. I told you last week that He has already given me the table. I have received the Bread (the first book) and I am ready to serve. On the 6th of September, THE Book Club will have the first of our monthly meetings – a gathering of a sisterhood.

I don’t know what your training ground looks like. What I DO know is that my training ground made me strong and is starting to bear fruit. I am strong enough to serve others, to lift those heavy souls, pull a few out of the pit, and carry them to the cross. The weight was taken off my shoulders. The weight I now carry in my arms, is light.

Matthew 11:30 “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

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