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  • annievdl7

The Birth of Anatello

At last ANATELLO has been brought to light and life. 12 years later. Without spending too much time on it, it is worth mentioning that 12 is the number of completeness. To me it means that God has finished His puzzle, piece by piece. Sometimes it felt like He used the pieces of my broken heart, carefully and mindfully bringing it to wholeness again. Other times it seemed as if He was grabbing some jewels from thin air (like the Magician He is) to create a masterpiece. The process felt unbearable most of time, but just as Jesus spoke His first words in the temple at the age of 12, I can now voice my journey so far and hopefully take some of you with me and we can travel together until the 12 pearly gates open for us and we step foot on the golden streets of heaven.

In March 2009, at a women’s camp, Isaiah 61: 1-3 (Isaiah 61:1-3 NIV - The Year of the LORD’s Favor - The - Bible Gateway) was prophesied over me. I have travelled on quite a few different roads since then, including a divorce, moving to the city and starting a new career/s. Though it may sound simple, I can assure you that not all these roads were without bumps, road works and detours. The important thing is that it led me to the destination – ANATELLO (Anatello Meaning in Bible - New Testament Greek Lexicon - New American Standard (

As women, we can easily feel UN-worthy, UNDER-qualified, UNDER-equipped, UN-wanted. But we need to UNDERSTAND that these are all lies. Fortunately for us, it is these exact lies that cause us to see our worth, grow our wings, let us rise, fly and eventually soar Isa 40:31 (Isaiah 40:31 AMP - But those who wait for the LORD [who - Bible Gateway).

When we are at our lowest, the only direction you can go is UP. In Afrikaans there is a saying “tussen die vloer en die politoer” I have found myself there more than once in my life. At times I was tempted to just lie there and throw myself a pity party. After the divorce I felt as if my life was over, as if I had disappointed God, my family, my friends, colleagues…ahhhhh, it is a never-ending list. I have come to realize that this roller coaster ride is not a road less travelled. Many have been here before and many will be here after me.

ANATELLO, meaning “rise” might be our starting point. We can eat our way out of the cocoon (l literally did this), open our eyes, shake our broken wings and cautiously step into a new beginning. Yes, we may fall, but oh darling, what if we fly…

Let me tell you more about the pieces of the puzzle:

The pearl in the logo Think of this precious pearl in your hand, a ring, or a string of pearls around your neck. To become that lustrous pearl, it first had to be broken, get irritated, use defense mechanisms and at last be dressed/coated to be this magnificent jewel (How Pearls Are Formed – Does it sound familiar? Interestingly, at another women’s camp – Pearl Camp – the same Word - Isa 61: 1-3 was yet again prophesied over my life. Let met tell you: At one stage in my life, I was a happy “camper”. I camped here and there and everywhere. Pity is, the more refreshed I felt after a camp, the more I hated the real world and lived from camp to camp. I don't know about you, but I needed more than this high on a Sunday afternoon. I wanted to blossom all the time.

Have you seen the lotus in the logo?

The lotus flower experiences immaculate conception every single day. With its roots latched in mud; when darkness arrives, it submerges into the river water and blossoms every morning at sunrise. From mud to magnificent!: (Ps 40: 1,2) (Psalm 40:1-2 KJV - I waited patiently for the LORD; and he - Bible Gateway). When I had the revelation of the lotus, I also had a vision of a daily baptism. His mercies are new every morning…

Yes, “The sun comes up, it’s a new day dawning…” When you listen to the song "10 000 reasons", you will understand the birth of ANATELLO even better. The lotus is a lily. “Look at the lilies of the field…are you not of more value than they?” (Matthew 6: 25 – 34) (Matthew 6:25-34 NIV - Do Not Worry - “Therefore I tell you, - Bible Gateway). Since I have come to this realization; whenever I feel that I am suffocating in quicksand, I know that I am a lily, a lotus…the sun will rise again tomorrow and so will I.

Green and gold:

For today, it does not stand for Springboks. On days of despair, or darkness, or storm we must always remember: There is a rainbow after the storm, and a colorful one that is.

What is your favorite color? My favorite color of the rainbow is olive green. I have always felt at my best in this color and to me it symbolizes life. It seems to me as if the plants sing and shine a brighter green after the rain. As if they have a stronger will to live, to be alive and to thrive. Almost as if they want to show off God’s glory.

Of all the pieces of ANATELLO coming together, the colors were the last piece of the puzzle. It was as if God decided that the outlines are perfectly dotted down and only need some color. I did not ask Him about the colors. On one of my greater days, I realized that God uses my divinely appointed passions, loves and talents to shine and to bring light, love, laughter and life to many other women struggling to stand up.

I know I have said something about the streets of gold earlier, but that is just a bonus. That prize, the gold medal at the end of the race. That 1st prize. May we all endure our preparation and the hardships along the way, our eyes fixed on the prize that we will win.

PURE JOY!!! PURE WHITE!!! Have a look at the skirt of the bride in the logo. My designer, even though she might not know it, was divinely led. This color shouts out purity. I saw a bride when this color was revealed to me. As soon as we realize that we are white, clean, free and whiter than snow, we can put on that wedding dress and feel and act like the bride we are, every day of our lives.

To all battered, bruised or broken women:


Let us RISE to the occasion!

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