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  • annievdl7


Girls just wanna have fun!!!

“I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven” Matt 18: 3

I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that being child-like has its benefits. Not only does the kingdom belong to children (surely it is because of their purity and innocence), but most of the time it is much more fun! It is joyful to be a child. You are carefree. You have no worries. Children see life in color. It is as if God steps down from His thrown onto their level. I don’t know why we sometimes even yearn to become older, to become adults.

The other day I overheard a conversation of my friend chatting to her nieces in New Zealand. I promise you I was not eavesdropping. She wanted to be close to the wi-fi router – which is on the loft - and that means that if you are not in your own room with a closed door, you can hear everybody, everything and anything. I live in a VERY comfy, cozy house.

So in this video-call they asked what she was about to do. On her answer that she’s going to work, the reply came: “Oh THAT’s boring!” It got me thinking. Do we lead such lives that our children would believe that it is fun to be an adult? Are we leading by example? And most important: Is our work fun? Do we love what we do? J. Balvin said: “When you do what you love, it’s not work anymore”. When you are passionate about something, you are energized. You will be able to feel the power when you focus on something that excites you.

You will be able to shine! And when you shine, it brushes off on others like glitter. One of my favorite scenes in a movie is from “When Harry met Sally” when Estelle Reiner answered the waiter: “I’LL HAVE WHAT SHE’S HAVING”!

There’s a saying: Laugh and everybody laughs with you; cry…and you cry alone. Sometimes this is true! We all want love, life and laughter to fill our homes and souls. Do you remember the excitement as a child before you go on holiday? The sleepless night before the sleep-in-the-car-all-day? You wake up with a smile and you literally jump out of bed! Easter weekends were the best! Then it was time for the treasure hunt!

Treasure-hunts can take many forms. The question is: What is the map that we use to look for our own treasure? Are we even still excited to be part of such a hunt? Where will we start looking? And will we have the patience and perseverance to keep on searching until we find it? Sometimes on these hunts of ours, the treasure is right under our noses. We just need to take the time to open it.

When I read Ps 119: 11, the child in me awakened and like many times before, I started seeing in pictures. Maybe it’s because God just know that I adore pictures. Pictures are SO valuable to me. They are also a great tool to get messages to some people. I have learned by now that when I need to send important, but lengthy information to my youngest son, I need to pop in an interesting picture as well – just to get his attention.

Anyway, back to that scripture and the picture: “Your Word I have treasured and stored in my heart…” The Truth is a treasure that no one can steal from you, especially if you store that treasure in your heart. Sometimes the junk, the lies, the hurt and the pain take up so much space in our hearts, that there is not an inch left for something valuable as the Truth. It is definitely not a nice sight and neither welcoming to others. I dare you all to start some spring cleaning, or whatever season you are in at this very moment. Don’t waist another second having a hell-hole of a heart. It is barely beating. Get the duster! Pick up the broom. All that old beliefs; the past must go. Get the Holy Spirit to help you carry all that old, ugly stuff out of your heart. It’s taking up much wanted space. God wants our hearts. He wants to decorate it with His glorious jewels.

Go onto your knees and open up that treasure box. Look at all those shiny diamonds, rubies, emeralds and pearls. Be amazed by them. Be like a girl! Yes, she is still there! Lie down and roll in all the splendor if you need to. Cover your neck and arms and head with strings of beauty. Put that crown on your head and dance!

You are a queen…His queen!

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