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  • annievdl7

Running around or running away

We live in times where we are encouraged, and sometimes even forced, to believe that ‘time is money’. We run around chasing ‘stuff’ and it may just happen that while we are running around frantically, that we forget that time is in His hands. In the back of our minds, there’s a voice whispering: “You don’t know how much time you have left”. At the same time, it is being preached that we should get our priorities straight.

Colossians 4: 5 “Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time”

The other day I found myself replying to a message: “Just a minute. That is on my ‘to do list’”. This is how I run my daily life. I have boxes being ticked throughout the day while blue-ticking those messages I will attend to later. Many times, ‘later’ never arrives in time. Don’t get me wrong. A list of tasks to attend to is necessary, but it should not take over your life, even though Scripture states that we should work hard. Strive to be a person of excellence, but never compromise your time with God. Don’t get too busy with the things of God, that you forget about the God of the things.

Proverbs 10:4 “A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich”

Here are a few pointers to get your ducks in a row:

1. Get a journal/diary – Plan the weekly, monthly or yearly tasks and write them down in your calendar. Rank them according to importance. Paper based ‘to-do-lists’ are still preferred by many people. I am one of those people. Is it maybe because of the satisfaction we get when we tick off a box? A sharp pencil is better than a sharp brain - remember that.

2. Review your workload regularly – Delegate the tasks you put off each time to someone else. Keep the tasks that you ticked off which gave you that sense of accomplishment.

3. Follow the 80:20 rule of workloads – 80 percent of our work contributes to less than 20 percent of its value. Concentrate on the crucial 20 percent.

4. Deadlines should be realistic - It will only lead to disappointment if you are unrealistic and over-optimistic. Don’t set yourself up for failure, set yourself up for success.

5. Be prepared for unforeseen circumstances – Allow 10 minutes of every working hour to do the things that was not on your task list in the beginning of the day. If that e-mail is not red-flagged, leave it until the next day. Keep your phone close by, allow time for interruptions, but don’t let your phone dictate your life.

6. Focus on each task separately – When you have a structure, multitasking becomes the exception, not the rule. It is not a challenge of who can chop and change the best.

7. Don’t let your inbox drive your day – Interruptions can be avoided if you allocate time to check your inbox.

8. Don’t leave the things you can do today for tomorrow – Tomorrow is not granted (Proverbs 27:1)

Luke 14: 28 “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?”

How do you start your day? I make it a priority to chat to God first thing in the morning. I pray. But I do this with open eyes and I do it out loud not to fall asleep again. It’s the best way to wake up, not only your body, but your soul and spirit as well. I feel, unlike me, that God was counting the minutes for the alarm to go off, eagerly waiting for our quality time together. No disturbances – just Him and me. This is the only TALK that will get you where you want to be without DOING.

James 1: 5 “In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty”

Remember the era of the “KEEP CALM and…”? In every add, on cars, in cars, on fridges, in shops, on social media, on billboards, we had those reminders about staying calm. Prioritize your peace. Value your peace above everything. Peace is not a nice-to-have. Peace is a need-to-have. Peace is the foundation to live a calm, cool and enjoyable life. Keep in mind that peace and laziness are not synonyms. When we prioritize peace, all the challenges we need to tackle, become simple. In the calmness, there is clarity.

Don’t be the one running around – in the end you will be the one running away. Freaking out not only affects your mental and spiritual stability, it is not good for your physical health or the lives of those around you. It creates chaos, not calmness or confidence.

Matthew 11:28 “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden an overburdened, an I will cause you to rest.”

What tools can you use to boost your productivity? Use the following criteria to choose the best ways for time management techniques and frameworks:

  • Technology – Don’t underestimate the value of today’s technology. Pay a little more for a faster processor on your laptop. Pay attention to the software features and download apps. Upgrade to a better version of your cellular phone. Don’t be scared for the new and the unknown. Get the right technology and USE it. Within two ticks, your productivity level will rise.

  • Record and analyze the time you spend on different tasks. Download a Time Tracker. Develop new habits where you can improve.

  • Simplify administration by using a calendar, templates and spreadsheets.

All these things will help you to be more successful and more efficient. Leave the things that you can do nothing about. Never waste your energy on things that you don’t have control over. It is time-consuming and it is draining – it sucks the sap out of you. Bottom line: it sucks!

Prioritize your peace.

Protect your peace.

Practice being in His presence.


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