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  • annievdl7


Being born into a sporty family and growing up next to the sports field, we decided that our boys needed a little balance in their lives. They already participated in Playball and gymnastics - for free – as I was the coach, and we had to choose one more extramural activity. Nowadays, there are so many activities to choose from and most of the times parents make the choice on the marketing strategy used, flashy flyers or the amount of fun the child had during the demo-lesson. See, not all parents have the knowledge, or make the time to get to know all the programmes they are introduced to.

It was the year 2005. On the cultural side, our small town only offered music and pottery. The dice fell on the pottery classes. There were many more advantages than just having balanced children. It was affordable, the venue was just around the corner, their fine motor skills would improve, throw in some problem-solving skills and their self-esteem would shoot through the roof. Above all, not only would it help the tactile defensive one, but it would enhance their creativity, there will be more handmade articles than just the odd pic on the fridge and I will have time to have a cup of tea with the ‘pottery lady’ whom I loved and trusted. I have always been fond of the arty people. They do not have dull wardrobes, their homes are bright, interesting, and welcoming and because they are a little eccentric, they also get away with almost murder. The ‘pottery lady’ called a spade a spade. She had a refreshing, honest nature and children flocked around her. What you saw, was what you got…no pretence.

All parents collecting their brood, would come in a few minutes earlier, drop a little of their emotional load on the ‘pottery lady’ while searching through all the pots, bowls, and cups to find their child’s familiar name underneath. They would walk off with a smile, décor for the mantlepiece in one hand and a happy child on the other. I wonder if she realized that she was the town’s therapist. We had deep conversations about angels and demons, heaven and hell, love, and life. She understood me.

One day I had the opportunity of sitting in front of the wheel, ready to create my own masterpiece. The wheel started turning. My inexperienced hands got a little anxious and although it was slow, I imagined the wheel spinning and spinning faster and faster and clay flying all over the place. I took my nervous hands off the clay. The wheel was shut off. The clay was not stuck on the walls, but what was left on the wheel, was a disaster. How many times in the last few years I felt just like that clay – a disastrous blob. Little did I know that day, that it would be one of my life lessons in later years.

From that pottery lesson ages ago, and a video from a friend last Tuesday, I am starting to understand Isaiah 64: 8 for the first time in my life.

I have learned:

1. We are in the Experienced, Almighty Hands of the Potter. As the clay, we should just centre ourselves on the Potter’s wheel. We can trust His plan - that whatever/whomever He is going to create on that wheel of His, is going to be beautiful, perfect, and useful. It is His hands that makes the difference. Whether we are being shaped or reshaped, it is all IN HIS HANDS.

2. When we remember Who the Potter is and when we trust Him to shape us, every discomfort is worth it. The pressure will be JUST enough. Sometimes it may feel as if you are spinning off the ends of this earth, but it is then that you must know that you are still in His hands.

3. There will be a refinery process. This might be the toughest part. Going through fire can be excruciating. Maybe you had a difficult childhood, lost a family member, chronic illness, divorce, or a job loss. Whatever your story is, remember: The Potter’s hands will reach into that fire and take you out at exactly the right moment – refined. The agony will be over. That will be the time when you will be ready to be who you are meant to be and do what you are supposed to do.

4. Each vessel has a purpose. As one of His vessels, you are part of a larger set – each with their own purpose. Never be ashamed of what you or others might consider to be a lesser assignment, or too proud of what you or others might consider to be a more important assignment. It is the Potter Himself who will accomplish His purposes.

My dearest friends, life is full of difficult and painful things. We are living in a broken world. Daily life may feel overwhelming. You may be one of those people dragging themselves along, or one of those trying to push past the pain. I tried both. In the end, I found I had to sit with God and have honest conversations. With God there is no screaming matches; you can just lament. You can lay your raw, unfiltered emotions before His feet. You do not need to sanitize, or elbow greet Him. He will take your hands just the way they are.

In these uncertain times, be like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Be confident that even if you are thrown into a blazing furnace, the Hands of our Father will deliver you. You will be taken out of that fire, beautifully made and ready to use. He will turn you upside down one more time – just to mark you…


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