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  • annievdl7


Let me introduce you to myself, the woman God chose to run His business – Anatello:

“My name is Annalie”. It is only a few that calls me by this name though. Let me reveal the REAL Annalie. Those whom I have known for the longest rarely call me by this name. Various nicknames and endearment terms developed over the years.

My ID document says Anna Lesya. I was named after my grandmother on my mother's side. With only two sons, this name will hopefully feature somewhere in future with one of my granddaughters (no pressure😉). If it was in the cards dealt to me, I would have named my daughter Lesya – pronounced ‘Leesia’.

Annalie is not a name easily pronounced by English people, so it usually comes down to Annie. One dear friend of mine, opted for Anakin, the Star Wars character. I once visited Starbucks, and knowing that they battle to write my name, I said it in syllables: An-na-lie. When my cup was ready, it read: Anna Leigh. To this day, whenever I quote myself, I use this version of my name.

It depends on who you are in my life, what the name of the day will be. During the last week some of my colleagues called me Angel – sent from above. I took it as a compliment, but not with a chap on my shoulder, because you see, they don’t really know the real me. There is only One who knows the real me and still thought I am to die for!

Not everyone has seen me the first 4 years after my divorce – the wallowing, weeping Annalie. It is also a version of myself that only a few got to know and chose to stay by my side – a version that I have left behind. The words coming out of my mouth were not in the least Spirit-filled, rather spirits-filled. Those who called me Angel did not see me on the bathroom floor, crying and swearing, when my ex-husband found a new woman – this time to marry.

My fellow students, on the other hand, got my care-free version, Anna – the one calling home asking for money for stationary, and books for classes. Now in those days, there was no such thing as online banking. My parents had to drive 75 kilometers to the nearest bank. Guess what? They did!

My family calls me Ann. They know all about me, (well… almost all about me). They stick like superglue – no matter WHAT! At times when I felt like a failure, my dad not only said ‘I love you’. He continued with ‘I am proud of you’.

A friend or two calls me Lady. If ever there was a name or term to describe me, I would not choose this name. I think of myself as a Plain-Jane. The good thing about being called Lady, is the more they speak it over me, the more I will become this woman they see in me.

Then there is Annalie, the praying woman. I must tell you: this is the ‘lady’ in me I love the most. The other day I told someone that I think that ‘fear’ might be my motivation to pray. That means that I have many fearful moments during the day. Like Paul, it may not be taken away when I ask the Father, because He knows that this weakness keeps me on my knees and it becomes my strength. If you can’t seem to find the kitten in me, you will most probably see Annalie the lioness, walking out of the prayer closet. And if you look closely, you may even see me in the arms of the Lion of Judah.

Annalie, the mom, goes by Mamma. May you never meet the Mama Bear in me. She only appears when her cubs are in danger. But know this, if you are the one causing this danger, YOU are the one in danger. This Mamma can also easily change into a cheerleader. It’s an advantage that her boys can’t hear her on the rugby field, or on the powerlifting platform, because the following day she is the hoarse, sexy-voice Mamma.

I have also fulfilled a few other roles in my 52 years and they have become my names:

  • As a coach - some parents met me as the Playball-tannie

  • As a wife – Lovie

  • When Annalie, our marketer is introduced - you will meet the bubbly, outgoing, but subdued woman, the face of the business.

  • Annalie the Administrator is the meticulous, precise A+ personality woman

The truth is (not only for me, but for all of us) – do not look at Facebook when you try to get to know more about a person. It is Fakebook, because you see only the highs and the perfect moments in a person’s life. Also, never judge a book by its cover. The story inside that closed book can be full of drama, hardship, comedy, love and sadness. The only way to get to know someone better, is to spend time with that person. Not only once in a while, a LOT of quality time. The more time you spend with someone, the more you will know that person. That is also true when you want to know God better – the real God.

In the end, the true Annalie will allow you to meet the full Annalie, showing her true colors, when she trusts you. So, it is for each and every one of us.

You can go by many different names, but all of them, are what make that ONE YOU. There may be many versions of you living in one body – Sue, Susan, Susie, San… Make sure you all get along well.

Who am I? It depends on who you ask. But…please ask God?

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