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  • annievdl7


A controversial subject to choose. I know that I may be sticking out my neck an inch too far today. But here it comes. Last year with my tutor-matriculant, I have learned about my rights and freedom of speech in the subject Life Orientation. Many a time when others use these words “freedom of speech”, together with “human rights”, I would frown upon them and would judge their motives, words and/or deeds. You are free to do the same today. As my backdoor, I have a shell of grace to go and hide under after this😉

Here goes…

It is the year 2006 and my second tattoo. I got the cross on my right hand at a very low point in my life. It was a spontaneous act. I was walking in Menlyn and decided there and then that I wanted a tattoo on my wrist. The tattoo artist explained to me that it will be very visible and asked me more than once if I was sure about this. In the end I got exactly what I asked for: a combination of a wooden cross/crown of thorns/eagle wings. A few weeks later I got to know the Lord personally. I thought I knew Him before, but let me tell you: When you get to meet Him, you will know that you know that you know. Almost everywhere I went (and I went to church a LOT) someone prayed about this tattoo and over this tattoo. Witchcraft was rebuked. A lying spirit was cursed. After all, when I lifted my hands in surrender while worshipping God, it was…you guessed right…very visible. I was sure that whatever the enemy tried to destroy, God will turn around and use for His glory. I never once doubted that. God gave me confirmation through a friend a week after another prayer from a concerned believer – He will use my right hand to break through iron bars (Isa 45: 1-3). Please don’t get me wrong. I love and adore prayer from fellow believers, deacons and pastors, but I always ask Him for confirmation out of His Word. About a year later, a stranger in a church walked up to me and said he got a word from the Lord. He said: “Before you knew the Lord, you were tired and weary, but you stretched out your hand and were reaching out to Him. The Lord says I must bring you this Word. He started praying: “Those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength and renew their power; they will lift up their wings (and rise up close to God) like eagles [rising toward the sun]; they will run and not become weary, they will walk and not grow tired. (Isaiah 40: 31). Needless to say, I sobbed like a baby!

On my left wrist I got Joshua 1: 9 – Be strong! Be courageous! The Lord your God is with you wherever you go. The bee just made it more of a bracelet. This time I had to make crucial changes and decisions and I needed God more than ever. To me, this was a reminder whenever I got fearful and dismayed that He will be with me – no matter WHAT!

My right shoulder was a 50th birthday wish granted by my treasured friend. I wanted to display my thoughts. 50 is about being fabulous, fit and free. Well…I am 50 and free! It was time for me to walk into my calling. The Holy Spirit was urging me day and night to step into what I was called for. I wanted to be God’s messenger and ambassador. He was the One who lifted me out from the ashes and I knew He will use my mess to be His messenger. For the first time in a while I felt free again. Free from guilt. Free from shame. Free from fear. Free from opinions. It felt fabulous to be free. I was free to fly (John 8: 32). Real freedom is only found in His Word, In Him, Jesus, the Living Word, the Truth.

Now…about tattoos.

Seen this picture before?? I need to repeat the words on that picture. “They asked me why I don’t have tattoos. I asked them: “Would you put bumper stickers on a Ferrari?” I have seen this picture on social media quite a few times before. I have decided to comment on the post: “Unfortunately my Ferrari does not only have bumper stickers, but now the stone-throwing resulted in broken windows as well.” What you give out, you should also be able to take, don’t you think?

I can literally feel the chin-in-the-air-eye-rolling stabs in my back at this moment, but please hear me out.

Does the Bible forbid tattoos? The answers may vary.

Every verse in the Bible can be used out of context to prove a point, to back an opinion / ideology, or to claim self-righteousness. I want to take Leviticus 19:28 as an example. The word “tattoo” was a word only seen since the late 1700’s. It was a new word. Earlier translations of the Word did not use this word in this verse. The surrounding passages in Leviticus, when you look closer, refer to other rituals associated with paganism – cutting of hair and kosher meats.

Interpretation of the passage vary. Some believe that it refers specifically to, and exclusively prohibits, an ancient form of self-mutilation during mourning. A reading of Leviticus is to apply it only to the specific practice of rubbing the ashes of the dead into the gashing wounds. This I found thought-provoking.

A recent survey by Prof Honeycutt said one in every five US adults has gotten himself or herself inked. Tattoos can also be seen on the skin of many entertainers and athletes nowadays. Prof Honeycutt suggested that Christians need to answer satisfactorily to themselves first before they decide on having a tattoo.

I must say that I agree with almost all of his suggestions. “Think before you ink!” he says:

1. Modification – How much can we modify our bodies to suit our desires while not disfiguring how God made us.

2. Motive – Why? Is it rebellion or self-expression?

3. Modesty – Am I seeking to direct people’s thoughts toward God or myself?

4. Marketability – Will it have an impact on my job applications?

5. Message – Some tattoos carry a message that a person wants to convey at one point in his life. Will you outgrow that message?

6. Medical concerns – Tattooing deliberately opens skin and exposes your blood to unknown bacteria.

7. Money – Is it just a waste of money? Also keep in mind that removal technologies are even more expensive than getting a tattoo.

As you have seen, my tattoos tell a story. To me it serves as reminders. It can serve as ice breakers as well - there have been a few times in my life, especially while waiting in a queue, that the tattoos on my wrist started a conversation with the person behind me in the line. With my INFJ personality, I can talk with comfort and confidence to the people close to me. We can have deep conversations. To strangers, I am a closed book. They might not know it, as I can chit-chat without effort, but they only see my cover.

Talking about covers…

Let us not judge a book by its cover.

Let us use our Jesus-eyes.

Let us not look at the outer appearance, but at the heart.

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