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  • annievdl7


I knew I had this assignment of sharing my pearls with you, but I had many excuses, of which time issues (yet again), was on the forefront.

But here I am, trying my best to be a ‘living sign’ to a world that follows the exciting billboards on the highway. It may help you to travel in the correct lane, or completely change direction. I am using my bragging rights as His daughter, to boast about His grace and favor (2 Corinthians 10: 17,18).

This is a testimony of a glorious God who is intimately in love with us, a God who cares about every little detail in our lives, a God who is there when you come to a crossroad, a God who helps us in choosing which way we should go.

To get to ‘It happened swiftly’, you need to understand that I was going slowly. Literally. My Juke told me it was time to slow down. Something was wrong with the breaks, and something was cooking in the engine. I am not going to bore you with the details of the quotation from the service center, but I can tell you that to fix all of these problems were half of the value of my car. After listening to my story (which became His), you will understand why I did not sell this car when I heard about the cost of all the damage. What I do need to tell you is that my intention was to have my car serviced, not to sell it.

On the 10th of January I took the car to the dealership. Because of all the parts that need to be replaced, it took 3 days before I could fetch it again. Collecting, driving, and dropping off the vehicle became routine for the next 3 weeks. By now I was starting to give up hope on this car that gave me more headaches after the service than before.

I started thinking about selling. I instantly became a surfer – surfing the net. Every spare moment I had, was invested in google. I googled ‘most economic cars’. The top 3 in my search gave me the Renault Kwid, the Fiat Panda, and the Suzuki Swift. I immediately disregarded the first two. Though practical, I did not like their look at all.  The lot fell on the Swift. Next, I searched for used cars in my price range, all the time asking our Father to guide me to the vehicle He has in store for me.

Back to the Juke: Between the Juke and the dealership, I was not in high spirits when I got the call late afternoon on the 31st of January: “You may come and get your car. We think we’ve found and solved every problem.”

On Thursday, the 1st of February, one of their workers played ‘Uber’. This Godsent young man – one of their mechanics – had a listening ear. As he is about the age of my boys, it was easy to talk to him. Our conversation was about – yes you guess correctly – cars. I moaned and groaned about my latest struggles, and he told me that he is also in the market for a new car. After months of waiting and wondering, he decided to buy a Swift. My conversation with him ended when I turned to God: “Thank you for answering me, Father!”

We drove in silence for a while, and then God surprised me: Turning to the Nissan dealership, I saw more than ten Swifts parked on their premises. ‘That is strange,’ I thought. On asking my new friend what THIS was all about, he answered that they took hands with Suzuki’s Used Cars Department during the week. Isn’t God just mind-blowing???

But this is not the end of this story – His Story. Hear the rest:

A Suzuki Dealership came back to me that same day: ‘They have special offers for the month of love’. They suggested that I should pay them a visit and bring my Juke as a trade in. The Swift GA model was in my price range, although I loved the GLX. My verse for the day was about greed, so I said: “Father, I want the GLX, but I don’t really need the GLX. I will happily settle for a GA, as long as it has fewer kilometers on the clock and get my safely from point A to point B.

The following day I visited their branch. The salesmen kept staring at me with a puzzled look but said nothing. He went through a lot of trouble to get me the best deal they had that would suit my needs and my budget. He even took a little less commission on the sale by offering me the GL for the same price. “UPGRADE! Thank you, Lord!”

Sitting with the application form in front of me, I started writing my name and surname. Light fell… His light… when the salesmen saw my surname.  He was my youngest’s rugby coach in 2013. At this point, even though he really walked the extra mile for me, he was now in top speed, trying to get me an even better deal. Long story short – I drove away with a GLX for the price of a GA.

Now THAT is the God we serve. THAT is a love story about our Father’s heart!

Why did I have to go through trials and tribulations for a few weeks? His story was busy enfolding. Because: “in DUE TIME, I, the LORD, WILL make it happen” (Isaiah 60:22). “When you delight yourself in Me, I will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4).

He makes ALL things NEW!!! Not mended. Not fixed. Not used. (Isaiah 43:19)

Where He guides, He provides!


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