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  • annievdl7


You say it is ‘just a season’? You have no clue.

You say ‘this too shall pass’? You have no idea.

It took me quite some time to accept these words and whenever I encourage someone with them, I try my best to let these exact same words be soothing words on the open wounds of the heart. Ironically, you often hear these words in times of excruciating pain and hurt and they usually come from friends and family, especially your spiritual family. Always remember that it is well meant. And let me remind you that when it seems that your life is out of control, God is not!

The seasons of our life mirrors nature’s seasons. God ordained the four seasons. In Daniel 2: 21 we see that God is in charge of the seasons. He controls it. The change of seasons is inevitable, but it should remind us of the consistency of our God.

“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease” Genesis 8: 22

In every season there can be unexpected storms creating havoc, but there will be plenty of days that we can appreciate.


Autumn, or fall, may mimic itself in our lives through loss. A lot of the time it is an incident or situation that God will allow to happen in order for us to enter a new season. It can be that something/someone in your life is interfering with your relationship with Him. Past mistakes that you are still holding onto, may also hinder you in going forward. Baggage from the past slows us down. We need to let go of all unnecessary guilt which weighs us down. It is important to look for the beauty in fall. See the gold leaves falling off, graciously raining on us like confetti.

Autumn is the time for us to reap the results. It is time for harvest. In this season of your life, you will either celebrate your successes or you will need to accept your disappointments.


When winter is knocking on our door, it is time to take a deep rest, to put on those blankets and wear layers of clothing. When you look outside, you may see dormant and bare trees. As far as the eye can see, everything is dead. Your marriage seems dead, your heart feels dead, your soul barely breathes, but there is still life. Even though not visible to the naked eye or tangible in an ice-cold heart, there is life. It is in the roots and core, conserving energy until its needed.

Do not resist the rest period. Welcome the opportunity to recharge. Hibernate like an animal. Use this time to plan for the next season. If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Prepare, learn and reflect.

In former days, a farmer would use this season to sharpen tools. In our lives, we should learn new skills. We should identify the obstacles in the past, search for methods to overcome them or to completely avoid them in our future.

I had some winters in my life that seemed endless, but I can assure you that spring is around the corner. Patience is the key. There will be a reward – a harvest.


I always look forward to spring. It is by far my favorite season. I call it the awakening season. Renewal bursts forth in shoots of green that surrounds us. New life is seen everywhere. It reminds us of being new creations in Christ (2 Cor 5: 17). Together with the blooming trees, there are new opportunities on the horizon. Every blossom announces hope. Somehow, spring commands a zest for life.

Now is the time to sow seeds. Prepare the ground for the seeds to be planted.

“Do not deceive yourselves; no one makes a fool of God. You will reap exactly what you plant.” Galatians 6: 7 GNT

When you plant pumpkin seeds, you will not reap tomatoes. Choose the seeds you sow wisely. Your thoughts, words and deeds are the seed you sow. There can be no harvest in your life or in the life of others without planted seeds.

A few years back I had bad stuff happening to me. It felt undeserved. That must be why there are numerous books on the shelves of CUM about ‘why bad things happen to good people’. I felt that this could not be my harvest and went for counselling at a pastor. I was suddenly confused by this verse about sowing and reaping. Her words comforted my soul and I want to share her words with you: “It may not be that you are reaping, but it maybe someone sowing bad seeds. They will reap what they sow.” To this day I still reflect on this when bad stuff happens to me. AM I REAPING, OR ARE THEY SOWING?


Then sweet, sweet summer arrives! Enjoy the heat and the warmth in your heart. Relax outside. Spend time outdoors enjoying creation and throw off the layers of clothes.

Hebrews 12: 1 says “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles”

Take stock of what needs to go, then let it go! Especially if it hinders you in your Christian journey. Let the ‘SON’ shine on you. As in all the other seasons, there are the good and the bad. Lush summer can also bring abundance of weeds. Fertilize good habits. Nourish them. Protect them by pulling out the weeds of bad habits. While chilling, keep momentum. Be careful of invaders, focus on the goal and protect your progress.

There is a story of King, who wanted to teach his four sons a life lesson:

- His first son was sent deep into the forest during winter to inspect a cherry tree. When he came back, he told the king that the tree was barren, old, hopeless and better to cut down.

- In spring, the second son came back with a message that the tree has beautiful blossoms. It looks young and promising.

- The third child went out in summer and told his father that the tree is loaded with delicious cherries and that all the birds gather there to eat from the fruit.

- The last born visited the tree in autumn. After his journey he spoke about the beauty of the lovely leaves in shades of gold and said it was ideal for a painting.

The moral of the story is that we can not let the pain of one season destroy the joy of the rest.

Adapt and persevere. The time to thrive will come. Neither age nor circumstance need to deprive us of energy and vitality.

We cannot change the seasons, but we can change ourselves. God has a plan for every season, from beginning to end. He knows the end from the beginning. He is the Alpha and the Omega.

Embrace all the seasons of life. Trust Him. Take His hand and walk side by side with Him.

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