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  • annievdl7


I can’t remember…

Out of sight, out of mind? Short-term memory is the capacity to store a small amount of information in your mind and keep it available for a short period of time. Many times, I have wondered about the benefits of a short-term memory. I have read that it acts like a storage room that makes it possible to retain information that we won’t necessarily need in the future, but that we need in the moment. It is the exact opposite of having the memory of an elephant. I have no new insights, but if I take my personal experiences as research, I found one possible benefit:  It becomes easier to forgive and forget. I started embracing my STS (short-term storage) - as grace given to me - a blessing, and not a curse.

Because of my short attention span, together with the non-existence of a long-term memory, I decided to start journaling again and I will also start a previous good habit again – filling my “Joys in a Jar”. My reason being to follow in the footsteps of King David, and also because I have realised that my anxiety fled in the presence of gratitude. They just cannot co-exist. A thankful heart becomes a heart full of faith, and without fear.

“I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all Your works and consider what Your hands have done.” (Psalm 143:5)

Exercising my attitude of gratitude is becoming one of my lifelines. It helps me to focus on the faithfulness of God and His goodness, and what He has done for me, instead of pondering on possible future problems.

Thankfulness starts at The Cross. I start each morning with the following sentence: Thank you for what You have done for me on the cross… Then, our Helper, the Holy Spirit steps in, take over and remind me about all the other blessings. I am reminded of things from early childhood, 10 years ago, and 10 minutes ago. When I started with this new training schedule 3 weeks ago, this exercise lasted 10 seconds. Now, I don’t have enough time scheduled for it.

I was taken on a trip down memory lane the last two weeks. My heart was opened to see that my years on this planet were filled with grace galore and also many moments to remember our Father. The Lord reminded me about His goodness in my son’s lives, in my own, as well as in that of my family.

Reminder 1: My youngest son played in a rugby match where he was chosen to kick to pole. It has been 5 years since he was the kicker of the team. I was reminded about how versatile the Lord has made him and about how many matches he has won with his passion, his tenacity, accuracy, his boot, his passes, his speed, his side-step. Watching a video made of the highlights of His career, was another reminder of the faithfulness of our Father in his life.

Reminder 2: My oldest son graduated after 4 years of paying for his own studies and his own car, working a 10-hour job to make this possible. The enemy tried to steal this joy and accomplishment (a motorcycle accident), but God stepped in, saved the day, and saved my son. A gold medal at a Bench Press Championships was the cherry on top.

Reminder 3: Each morning I wake up with a choir of birds singing songs. These songs literally sound like heaven in my ears and carry me through the day. At the end of the day (sounding like Naas Botha), I am blessed with extra-ordinary sunsets – a reminder of God being in control of each and every day of my life. Without Him pulling the strings to buy this house on the hill, my alarm would still be the screaming of the neighbour’s 3-year-old, and my good night kiss would still be the drums of the other neighbours banging on our windows.

Reminder 4: Our beautiful mom, our kids’ biggest fan, and my father’s devoted wife is turning 80. Scrolling through photos of 80 years of blessings, reminded me to cherish every moment that we shared, and to appreciate each moment still to come. God gave me the best of the best!

We don’t always remember the detail. But God is always in the detail. We are forgetful people, and we know it. It is nothing new. That’s why we rely on calendars, apps, and other devices. When Joshua and the Israelites crossed the Jordan on dry ground, the Lord commanded them to set up a monument. He wanted them to remember His goodness and to share His goodness with others. What memorials do you have that is helping you to fear the Lord today? What memorials do you have that can help others to fear Him too? What testimonies do you have to testify about His goodness?

Psalm 107: 1,2: “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story — those He redeemed from the hand of the foe.”

The same God the psalmist declared as having steadfast love that endures forever is still responsible for every good and perfect gift centuries later. He was unchanging then, and He is unchanging now and forever.

By the way: There is nothing wrong with sharing your highs on Facebook. That way, every day that you click on that memory button, reminders pop up (mine goes back 11 years). It is a reminder that God has sustained and blessed you for years and years. He was, and is, and will ALWAYS be there to bless you, keep you, and make His face shine upon you.

May we all be reminded to ALWAYS sing this chorus: “Good Lord, I got a good Lord!”

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