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  • annievdl7

Dessert After The Desert

“Who is Jesus?”, the man next to me asked me. “Oh GREAT!” I thought. “I know who He is”. My answer came promptly: “Well to me, He is my Companion”. Previously, I have told you that I am not a lover of small talk, so this intro question should have got me to the edge of my chair, ready for some deeeeep stuff. Instead, after another minute…NO, let me rather say ‘another second’, I was on the edge of my chair…ready to run.

Being bombarded into a conversation where your answer does not matter a thing, is something I am quite familiar with and not particularly fond of. Apparently, this was not the correct answer to the question. I have stepped into a religious conversation and realized it was a step right into a mine field, waiting to explode in my face and shatter my heart. Having had many of these tests, and learning valuable lessons through them, I did what I do best, I politely removed myself from the situation by becoming a Martha, filled a half full basket of chips to the brim and said: “More snacks for everyone…?”

Being an extremely emotional human being, I walk with my feelings on my sleeve, and I don’t hold anything back. Whether I am sad, happy, or mad, you won’t miss it. This, I have come to know, is not everyone’s cup of tea. I have learned to control these emotions in public (which came handy at this very moment), but instead of hiding or changing, I have decided it’s okay to show the real me, especially where I feel safe to BE me. What you see is what you get. I embrace who I am and can even say with confidence that I am starting to understand and fall in love with my perfectionism trade. You may take it or leave it. And if you decide to leave it, it’s your loss. Yes, THAT’s how far I’ve come.

Come to think of it, the religious question was a great question though, because it made me jump straight to the pudding part - my relationship with Jesus - that sweet, satisfying dish. Wikipedia says: ‘Dessert is a course that concludes a meal.’ The Bible says, ‘Jesus is the Bread of Life’. I see Jesus as my dessert – a perfect ending to every meal. It may also be because Jesus is the One who took me out of the desert and that’s why He became my dessert?!

I don’t know about you, but when I eat my plate of food, I leave the best for last. Many times, there is no space left for the best, but then I turn to force feeding, just to end my meal on a high. Years ago, I attended a function where the complete buffet was already waiting for the guests to serve themselves. I decided to entertain my palate with something sweet at the start, just in case I don’t have room for it later. It has not changed.

Dessert became my Companion who will never leave. And just to make sure that I know this, it is repeated (3 times) in Hebrews 13:5 (Amplified): “He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!]

I also am assured that my Dessert is with me wherever I go (Joshua 1:9). I may choose to enjoy it or choose to see it as not permitted.

I am Starting with 'Vol Vrou Season 6' today. Why am I doing this AGAIN? It is not that I am unhappy, unhealthy, or unholy, but this time I am going to follow the HHH-approach to become

  • Happier,

  • Healthier,

  • Holier.

And that’s exactly why I will be starting with Dessert, snack on Dessert and sleep sweet after having Dessert.

Jesus, YOU are the Cherry on my cake! I LOVE YOU AND ENJOY YOU!

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