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  • annievdl7


At our Anatello Camp in March, I was stepping out of the boat on uncharted waters - an unknown path. The thing of unknown paths is that it is only new to YOU. There have been others down that road before, even though it may be the first time on this route for you. Sometimes you might have actually been on this path, you just didn’t take notice, because you were not in the driver’s seat. I have been to many camps, but THIS time, was my first time as a presenter.

Earlier that month, we drove to the venue to check out the facilities. I also did not want to arrive at the camp without knowing how to tell others how to get there. It was then that we came across a crossroad. Without any clear directions (well, it seemed unclear to us) we took the fork to the left. It was the narrow road. The extremely fancy Mercedes - the vehicle to our destination – tried to warn us to turn around. The side sensors did not go ‘beep……beep……beep”. No, it screamed out that beep so fast that it went into one long, loud “BEEEEEEEEEEEP.” Being chatterboxes, there was an unusual silence in the car. Was this the scenic route? We could not hear the StoneChat chatting. My friend held onto the steering wheel for dear life and we focused. There was no turning back. We had to go forward.

If ever I hear the word crossroad, this story will be the picture in my mind. The true definition of a crossroad is this – a place where roads intersect. Think about a four way stop. Most of us see these types of crossroads daily. Sometimes when you get to that stop (especially if it is on a hill and you are a learner driver), you stall the car. It is then that you hear that BEEEEEEEEP sound again – from the cars behind you. (Oh, we can be so impatient with each other and can easily forget that everyone has to start somewhere.)

Crossroads in life are similar, but here we have to deal with emotions, mental issues and our spiritual state. Sometimes we have to choose a path without any clear directions. It can be confusing. It can feel like that car that stalled at the intersection. Everybody else is moving, but in YOUR life, it seems that there is nothing going on – you are stuck. You are forced to make tough decisions.

How can you tell that you are at a crossroad in your life?

  • You feel there are decisions to be made and you are not sure which way to go.

  • You know you are stuck, but can’t put your finger on what need to change. You have learned enough where you currently are or you need a change.

  • Your life lacks meaning or purpose, or you have not reached your full potential.

  • You have good intentions to change, but something always gets in the way.

Seeking the purpose of the crossroad and thinking about the impact it will have on your life?

  • It is an opportunity to execute God’s will for you.

  • It serves as a self-discovery process.

  • Crossroads are there to get you to the next level. God wants to use us in a mighty way and we are His unfinished work (Philippians 1:6).

Our actions at the crossroad? A feeling kicks in and for a split second you feel lost and stuck. You think about the massive consequences. How can you approach transitional moments in your life? The starting point can be complex, and can hit you like a ton of bricks. It will take energy, time, focus and risk.

What should you do?

  • Pray: we need to pray every day and every day we need to pray (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

  • Take advise from mentors. You will need support and inspiration. Honor the responsible, mature people, but trust your gut. Know the difference between: When are you stubborn, and when are you being pushed?

  • Take your turn quickly. Do not hesitate. There will be periods when you feel overwhelmed. Don’t fall into the trap of complacency. Satan will move fast to put some doubts into your mind. Yes, there will be many hurdles, hick-ups and hardship standing in the way. But…the only question you have to ask is if your next move will be in line with God’s Word.

  • Once you have made your decision, keep driving, even if it is a narrow, rocky road. See it as a turning point. Focus on the destination without neglecting to recognize the value of the whole process. Although there may be risk involved, calm down a bit, and appreciate precious moments. It will change your perspective on things.

Luke 8: 50 “…Do not be seized with alarm or struck with fear; simply believe in Me as able to do this…”

5 tips when you reach that crossroad:

  1. Find out what really matters to you. Don’t just think about it. Write it down.

  2. Explore what brings you joy.

  3. Prioritize what need to change. Find your purpose and passion.

  4. Take action, even if you take a step a day.

  5. Celebrate your successes along the way. There will be setbacks and mistakes, choose to learn from them.

Regarding our future plans, life requires us to decide. It does not always have to be painful, it can be a tremendously happy occasion. Like Matthew McConaughey said in his book ‘Greenlights’: “It is a crossroad, not a catastrophe.”

There is no rulebook. CREATE YOUR OWN FAIRY TALE!

Ps. Whether you choose to take a road many have traveled, or the road less traveled, there are some great reads on this subject:

“A worn Path”- Eudora Welty – a short story

“The Path not Taken”- Robert Frost – a poem

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