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  • annievdl7


I want to break free

I want to break free

I want to break free from the lies that’s so self satisfied

I don’t need them

I’ve got to break free

God knows, God knows I want to break free

Did you sing along? With apologies to Queen, I have changed the lyrics of the first verse of the well known song, to suit this queen’s needs. Even though I am starting to build a prison, the intention and ultimate goal is to break free! Completely free! The shackles that held me tied to the cold, grey, cement floor, I am flooring now. These shackles will from now on bind all lies, unforgiveness, doubts, fears, rejection, unworthiness, etc. Have you noticed that these are all emotions? They are resulting from thoughts.

Yes inmates (soon to be released)! I have started to build a prison. I don’t have all the building plans in place yet, but I know that it is a good start. One thing I know is that if I don’t start today, it might never happen. It is time! Even if the prison building start with one cell only, then one cell it is. It is being build today.

The floor will be hard and cold and damp - the soft, woolly carpets only a luxurious afterthought. The walls will be pitch black – dark, like the inside of a grave. Strong, iron bars, with very little spacing will be part of this holding cell The intention is for the prisoners to never ever get out. It is a life-long sentence. No Monopoly game with a “get out of jail free” card. No. In jail. Forever.

You see queens: One day you wake up and you realize: ENOUGH! Enough distraction! Enough unwelcome intruders. In my case, to break free, a prison needs to be built.

Did you know that according to scientists, we have 60 000 – 80 000 thoughts going through our minds in 24 hours. That means that we have about 3000 thoughts visiting our minds in an hour. Isn’t that incredible? My question to you is: Will you season your food with poison? Maybe just a pinch of poison, only 1 teaspoon or 3 tablespoons if you have a generous hand? What a CRAZY thought, you might think. But this is what I, and some of you, have done for days and years of our lives.

I have GREAT news! We can all break free from this prison! I have declared war against all toxic thoughts. Yes, it is a warzone. I am entering a battlefield. It is much easier to entertain these snakes than to fight them. But I am going to capture the enemy. I am going to take them captive and control them instead of them controlling me. And so can you! In 2 Cor 10: 5 God says: “…we take every thought captive and make it obey Christ” (GNB). We are capable! If God says we can, then we are able. We have the power to do so! We have the power, the strength, the ability to push these unwelcome guests out of our minds and into the prison.

Poisonous thoughts will kill us! If we want to break free, we need to identify them for the thieves and murderers they are. They come to steal, kill and destroy (John 10: 10). Thieves are always looking for the easy target.

I remember, back in 2007, we had an armed robbery at our house. We lived next to the golf course in Bronkhorstspruit. We were the soft target, as we were literally the only house without extra precautionary methods against theft. Another alarming story: Just the other day, over the holiday season, we had a break-in at our office in Pretoria. These thieves saw that there were no lights, no alarm and no guards. They entered the building three times to finish the job, because the realized that they got away with “murder”.

Recurring toxic thoughts are like these thieves. They enter your mind, and if not captured and thrown into prison, they will come back again and again…and again. They steal our joy, our peace, our hope and our lives.

Today, I say NO MORE!! Enough has been stolen and taken. To Poison Prison with you! There you can entertain each other. There it can be hell in the cell. But here…here in my mind reigns Faith, Hope and Love!

In my mind there is no space for thieves. I invited some guests today - which I pray, will stay! Although they’re still little, they will grow and develop and they will fill my heavenly mind completely. Let me introduce you to them:

1. Truth: known for demolishing lies; very real and authentic

2. Noble: a queen with a crown – the loyal royal

3. Right: the accurate and appropriate guide

4. Pure: the honest, wholesome, whiter than snow bride

5. Lovely: the beautiful, soft and kind one

6. Admirable: inspiring “wanna be like that”

7. Excellent: simply the best

8. Praiseworthy: a big shout out to this One

(Phil 4: 8)

I challenge you to invite these heavenly thoughts into your mind! May FREEDOM reign

in that place!

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