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Admission by ticket only

Two weeks ago, a friend of mine lost her daughter. I had no words for her, and no answers, but I did what I could. I stood in the gap for their family, asking questions (on their behalf) to our Father in heaven. Do you remember how frustrated you got when your child asked ‘why?’ to every answer you gave? This scenario repeated itself. I was that child asking the Father the exact same thing: ‘WHY’? I had many more questions though: Where do you go for comfort? What promises of God do you still have to stand on? I started to search for answers and cannot even begin to fathom the questions the family are asking in their sorrow.

I watched the movie “Heaven is for real” (again), where Colton was granted a visit to heaven. It is one of those movies that silently crawls into your heart and soul and stays with you for days… What if we had to buy a ticket to enter those pearly gates? What will be the cost? Will I be able to afford it? Will I need an ID document? Is a vaccination certificate one of the demands?

A ticket is a certificate or warrant. It is a piece of paper, card or document that gives the holder a certain right, especially to enter a place, travel by public transport or participate in an event. It shows that you have paid for the journey or activities. When you purchase a ticket for an event, it may also provide a specific seat. The more you pay, the better the seat. The security doing their duty at the entrance will most probably ask for a form of identification.

I may not always know the Father’s heart and mind, but He certainly knows mine. As I love reading and watching movies - He spoke to me using these mediums as He knew I would listen, get the message, and gain a little understanding.

The movie ‘The Polar Express’ was also on my agenda. This is an animation with lessons far beyond the understanding of children. Halfway through the movie, I thought of switching to something else, but I am extremely happy I have watched it until the end. One of the major points of this movie is to have a ticket. All on board know that the only way they can ride and get to their destination is with their ticket. It is also important to notice that their OWN ticket is of huge importance.

Don’t ever assume that this ticket to heaven is too expensive, though it might cost you a lot. But with Jesus we never need to worry. He paid our price, He is our ticket, and He always holds onto us and will never lose anyone of us!

God’s answers came through loud and clear:

  • Unless you become like a child and believe like a child, you will not see the Kingdom of God. I have always thought it is because of their innocence, but it may be more about their knowledge of dependence. Also, as adults, and even mature Christians, we become so puffed up, that we sometimes lose sight of the basics.

  • The ticket to God’s Kingdom is very affordable – It is priceless, it is FREE. There is no money that you need to pay for this ticket because the price was paid by Jesus.

  • Don’t worry about the rates per kilometre of Uber, Jesus Himself will take you there (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

  • This is a one-way ticket, there is no return fare, thus, make sure you have that ONE WAY ticket.

  • Regarding accommodation and paying more for the best seat: there is only one seat We are seated with Christ in heavenly places, at the R-hand of the Father. It is ONE price for all – just believe.

  • It’s not WHAT we know, it’s WHO we know (John 3:16)

  • God cares far more about your character than your comfort. He builds your character through undeserved punches and unjust circumstances - character to embrace your gifts and hold on to your faith uncompromisingly.

My questions led me to the story of the rich, young ruler. As written in Matthew 19:16, the rich, young ruler asked Jesus what he must do to have eternal life. In today’s terms, this young man seemingly had everything - a new iPhone, a new car, a beautiful house, all the right relationships… But without truly knowing the Lord Jesus Christ, he had nothing. Sadly, many think this is the ticket to enter the front gates of heaven. Banking on good deeds won’t get us into heaven. Believing in Jesus is the only ‘action’ that will get your ticket reserved, and it won’t be a season ticket. It will be eternal.

How do we cross over to the other side (Luke 8:22)? Amid the many storms and trials we all face when we receive this invitation from Jesus, there is only ONE WAY that will ensure that we reach the other side – we should cross over the Bridge, Jesus. Don’t let unbelief be the hurdle that hinders your access. Keep the finish-line (the other side) in view. You can be confident that the One who has begun a good work in you will bring it to completion (Philippians 1:6).

Joseph’s story (Genesis 37-50) is significant in understanding the development of our own gifts, character, and perseverance. During the darkest moments frantic questions crowd in. We may question our ability to survive. We become overtaken by despair. The feeling of unfairness can only be silenced by the voice of hope. When hope lives in the present, it carries a resurrection power that sustains our future.

Going through dark seasons will challenge your beliefs and your ability to be grateful when you feel cheated. Persevere.

Perseverance isn’t easy, but the good news is that God isn’t expecting us to do this in our strength but rather it is in our weakness that His strength is perfected. We are called, not only to keep the faith, but to fight the good fight of faith. Joseph’s many years of suffering and loss produced patience and endurance—strength of character inside him.

During current impossibilities, take a deep breath! God is always the answer and solution to every impossibility. The moment that truth becomes an absolute fact in your mind and when you believe it, you will always run to Him for comfort, answers, and strength. If you remain shaky and uncertain in your beliefs about God’s character, who He is, and why He allows things in your life, then you will approach every circumstance wondering ‘Where is God in this?’ rather than in the security of knowing:

MY ID says CHILD of GOD. Because God is with me and for me, I trust Him to find the answers.

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