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  • annievdl7

A Peaceful Picnic

There is a journey to every destination. I found my destination this past week – PEACE.

Allow me to give you insight in this journey of mine. This time of year, most of us are busy juggling balls and struggling to keep them all going. BUT… to keep the game alive and to keep the peace, is a different ball game. I am no exception. It takes a lot of faith (I failed at first by the way) to keep going. I started feeling that this game is not for me, that it’s stupid and outdated. I was tired of this circus and decided this job can go to another clown. It will not be my circus anymore; it will not be my monkeys anymore.

The boss was not Boss’well’, and I gave up… for a little while. Then I made the decision to become the master of this circus. How? Just be patient. I am getting there. I first want to explain how the balls fell out of my hands and onto the floor. The circus master had a tough two weeks with little or no sleep. It is no new news to any of us that the electricity issues in our country, puts many of us on a slippery slope into darkness – literally and figuratively speaking. I was the lucky one to try and resolve this power issue. Just like 3 sentences before, I used the words: ‘Just be patient’. It was like oil on a fire waiting to explode in my face. Words rained on me (which I can not repeat) and I thought the sea would never be able to wash me clean from this. I felt as if I am tossed against the rocks by the stormy waves that kept coming for about half an hour.

Now I need to say this in Afrikaans: “Ek wou die een wat op my kop wil sit, op sy plek sit.” Instead, I called on the Head of my life, whom I delightfully and willingly allow to sit on my head. The One who I wish will order me around, the One I want to obey, the One who’s yoke upon me is easy and light (Matthew 11: 28-30). I put to practice what He preached. I decided to put on the Helmet of Salvation – my personal revelation about this helmet. I asked the Head of my life to straighten this helmet – to rest on my head and in my head so that I can rest my case. I asked Him to listen and talk on my behalf.

The storm passed, as all storms do. Peace like a river, above understanding, was peacefully leading my mind to calm waters. A living well of water bubbled from the inside and babbled out of my mouth. Mind/matter became real to me. I realized that I will never be washed, or washed away, by the sea, because I have been washed by the Blood of Jesus. I am covered, not only by His Blood, but also by putting on His helmet. My thoughts are His thoughts (we are one). The waters that I have been baptized with, had no intention to destroy or drown me, it came to cleanse and save me.

We don’t have to juggle all these balls. We only need to give it to the One who holds the whole world in His hands. He is the Master – our Master. We need to know Who He is, and what He is capable of. We need to know that He wants to be our Best Friend. He yearns to spend time with us. Our faith and our peace are closely linked to our perception of Jesus. Without knowing Him, there will be no faith and no peace. Know the Prince of Peace and know peace.

The sun is shining again - an ideal time to have a picnic with the Prince of Peace, next to the river, with a fish and a loaf. We might even go out on the water together, in the boat, AND out of the boat – just like real fishermen do. We will keep the peace, make peace, and introduce others to The Peacemaker.

“God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

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