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  • annievdl7

A Breath of Fresh Air

It has been a while since Covid was on anyone’s lips. The wearing of masks came in handy for lots of different reasons. It did not only prevent the virus from coming close to us, it also kept hidden secrets from others - from broken teeth to a bad breath. Let’s take a deep breath (of fresh air), put our fingers around our nostrils, and hold our breath for the next 3 minutes. Just kidding…

One of my friends have a colleague with a breath that smells like something is dying inside of her. They dread talking to her. I also remember my Maths classes in matric too well, but not for the right reasons. The teacher was addicted to cigarettes and coffee. I still think I should pay my genius friend school fees for the year she explained my algebra questions to me face to face, helping me not only to survive the ordeal, but to pass that subject with flying colors. My youngest once told me not to eat biltong or droë wors before going on a date, unless you want to keep the date at arm’s length. I have also realized that eating cheese may keep anyone at a distance.

There are times in our lives when we long for those Covid-times - wishing for masks to be worn by others so that we can take a breath of fresh air. Are you one of those people that people duck and dive, or are you a breath of fresh air?

“You are a breath of fresh air in a world that are suffocating” – Joy Marino

We need more of these people in our lives – people who are a breath of fresh air. All of us would rather spend time with such people, than spending valuable time with the moaners and groaners. They bring sunshine into a cloudy day. It's good to take in a breath of fresh air, but it’s even better to be one. Whenever you enter a room, take emotional responsibility to shift the dark cloud covering the room. Your light may shine too bright for some, but that’s okay. They can wear sunglasses. They may be turned off by the fresh breath, but you can still love them from afar. There will still be a lot more that will be drawn to the light – like moths. Be brave enough to be the change. Don’t be part of the negative gathering and speech. Be a Joshua and a Caleb. Be the one who is the bearer of good news.

Matthew 15:11 “What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”

How can we stay unaffected by the things around us that tries to suffocate us? How can we French kiss life without feeling nauseated by it?

1. Decide you will be unaffected – decide that whatever and whoever offends you will not trigger you into being a dark cloud. Train yourself in this. Whatever you practice the most, you will get better at. Grow a crocodile skin. Let the negative stuff run like water off a duck’s back.

2. Look for what you want to see – look for the silver lining surrounding the dark cloud. Whatever you seek, will seek you. That is the law of attraction. Look for the good in everyone and they will look for the good in you. Get on another frequency – the ‘looking for good’ frequency.

3. Spread love and understanding – stop spreading fear. Don’t tolerate hate. Hate holds you back and is a hindrance in stepping forward. You can still love someone even when you don’t agree with them.

4. Carry yourself lightly – even horses run faster this way. It’s depressing to see someone draped over a chair. Keep in mind that our bodies are very closely connected to our minds. Our mindsets should rule over our body language. Focus to hop, skip, jump, and gallop on Cloud 9. Dance more.

5. Keep rising – Rise above your circumstances. Isaiah 40:31: “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles;, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Grow like the lotus. Rise from the mud every morning.

6. Be willing to take up space – you are not made to be unseen or created to exist as a wall flower. And if you once were forced to be one, start planting a new flower bed, spreading a fresh aroma, which attracts others. Grow and expand. “But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of Him everywhere.” (2 Corinthians 2:14)

We should never match the heaviness of others. A blanket of heaviness adds to the dark and toxic air, which should be released by a fresh breeze lifting the spirit. I’ve prepared a list of the do’s and don’ts at my funeral. One of them is that the whole congregation should join in the singing and dancing of the song ‘Father Abraham’. I hope that this will be a joyous occasion, with those celebrating my days on earth, celebrating the best day of my new life together with all the angels in heaven. What legacy will you leave behind to your loved ones, your friends, family, colleagues, and strangers? Will it be “she was a breath of fresh air”?

Life is one BIG buffet. There is always something delicious waiting to be scooped up.

Choose to leave the Brussels sprouts on the table if you don’t want that as part of your meal.

Choose to smell the aromas of a buffet prepared just for YOU!

Breathe in, breathe out...

Fill your lungs with the Breath of the Spirit and exhale healing into this world!

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