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  • annievdl7

100 ways to make a difference

Celebrating the 100-mark! I wasn’t sure how to plan a celebration for my baby, Anatello, only two years after giving birth. The only thing I know for certain is that I have always wanted to live a life of purpose – a life that would change lives. Today, I am sharing my 100th blog post. I know that for some, a 4-minute read is a lot to bear with, but on the other hand, a few may read every line and find a little of the joy, hope and love I put into every word. As exciting as it was to write these ‘essays’, there were also a series of hurdles that I had to overcome – time being one of them and another topic the other. See, to me this is a serious matter and that is why it is important to go back to WHY God entrusted me with His baby. I had to take daily care, meaning daily posts on social media. He never failed me. Some days my creative mind took a run, but then He came running towards me with something new on His mind. THAT is our Creator.

I don’t believe in coincidence; therefore, it comes as no surprise that He reminded me last weekend (Easter) that He has risen. The word, Anatello, means TO RISE, and the only way we will be able to rise, is by lifting others. Thus…here are 100 ways (edited version of Roy Cisneros – Leadership School for Boys) to make a difference in our communities. (By the way – my score on this list gave me a lot to think about…I still must tick many more blocks to get to 50, though working for Eleos certainly helps.) What does yours look like?

1. Help teach a younger child to read.

2. Help cook and/or serve a meal at a homeless shelter.

3. Gather clothing from your neighbors and donate it to a local shelter.

4. Make "I Care" kits (a shower bag) with combs, toothbrushes, shampoo, etc. for the homeless.

5. Pack and hand out food at a local soup kitchen.

6. Adopt a senior citizen "grandfriend" (what a beautiful word) and write him or her letters and visit.

7. Visit senior citizens at a nursing home.

8. Rake leaves, shovel snow, clean gutters, or wash windows for a senior citizen.

9. Pick up groceries or medicine for an elderly person.

10. Go for a walk with a senior citizen in your community.

11. Deliver meals to homebound individuals.

12. Hold an afternoon dance for your local nursing home.

13. Teach a senior friend how to use a computer and the Internet – with patience.

14. Paint a mural over graffiti.

15. Invite someone with authority over this issue, to present a drug awareness or safety presentation.

16. Tutor a student.

17. Organize a canned goods drive.

18. Clean up your neighborhood or park.

19. Organize a campaign to raise money to purchase and install playground equipment.

20. Plant flowers in public areas that could use some color.

21. Volunteer to help with a charity project.

22. Set up a buddy system for kids with special needs in your community.

23. Raise money for Braille books for visually impaired people.

24. Read books or the newspaper on tape for visually impaired people.

25. Bring toys to children in the cancer ward of a hospital.

26. Contact your local political representative about key issues.

27. Register people to vote.

28. Organize a public issues forum for your neighborhood.

29. Volunteer at a polling booth the day of an election.

30. Take a friend to the polling booths.

31. Vote.

32. Offer to pass out election materials.

33. Plant a garden or tree where the whole neighborhood can enjoy it.

34. Set up a recycling system for your home.

35. Organize a carpooling campaign in your neighborhood.

36. Adopt a pet.

37. Clean up trash along a river, on a beach, or in a park.

38. Create a habitat for wildlife.

39. Create a campaign to encourage biking and walking.

40. Save water.

41. Contact your nearest charity for opportunities to serve.

42. Volunteer at your local animal shelter.

43. Help build a shelter for the homeless.

44. Walk a neighbor's dog or pet sit while they are on vacation.

45. Teach Sunday school.

46. Learn to be a counselor.

47. Send a letter of appreciation.

48. Volunteer at your local animal center.

49. Participate in an event for your favorite charity.

50. Become a prayer warrior at your local hospital.

51. Mentor a young person.

52. Pray for all leaders.

53. Become a hairdresser for the elderly.

54. Donate books to your local library.

55. Donate clothes to someone in need.

56. Start a book club in your area.

57. Adopt a granny.

58. Hold a door open for someone.

59. Give up your seat on the bus or train to someone.

60. Donate your old computer to a less privileged school.

61. Give blood.

62. Coach a children's sports team.

63. Become an organ donor.

64. Teach a dance class.

65. Organize a Job Shadow Day for teenagers.

66. Organize a project for Global Youth Service Day.

67. Volunteer on a hotline.

68. Meet with local political representatives from your area.

69. Don't drink and drive.

70. Listen to others.

71. Write a letter to an editor about an issue you care about.

72. Learn first aid.

73. Shop at local, family-owned businesses.

74. Become a worship leader.

75. Take a historical tour of your town to learn about your community.

76. Write a note to someone who had a positive effect on you.

77. Get together with some friends to buy holiday presents for a family at a shelter.

78. Recycle.

79. Drive responsibly.

80. Get a CPR certification.

81. Don't litter.

82. Shop responsibly.

83. Don't spread or start gossip.

84. Tell someone that you appreciate him/her.

85. Hold a teddy bear drive for children before Christmas.

86. Make a care package for an elderly or shut-in person.

87. Teach someone a new skill.

88. Sing for residents at a nursing home.

89. Befriend a new neighbor.

90. Babysit.

91. Look for the good in all people.

92. Coordinate a book drive.

93. Donate money to your favorite charity.

94. Make quilts or baby clothes for low-income families.

95. Bake cookies and take them to someone who does not like you.

96. Donate toys or suitcases to needy children.

97. When visiting someone in a hospital, talk to someone that doesn't have many visitors.

98. Have coffee with someone you don’t like.

99. Start a Bible study group.

100.SERVE others with your talents and gifts.

Use this as a bucket list. Start with only one! JUST DO IT!

Make a difference by BEING the difference!

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