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At Anatello we believe that every woman who takes care of family, friends or colleagues, every woman fulfilling multiple roles, deserve some me-time, nurturing and love. Open your heart and soul and come join a journey filled with joy.

Coffee with Friends
Home: Welcome
Women Holding Hands

The Calling

Tuning in

Back in March 2009, I received a Word over my life regarding God's calling for me. Isaiah 61: 1-3 was prophesized over me at a women's camp. I realized then and still believe today, that women want (and need) the time and space (in the many rolls they fulfill) to stand up, rise, straighten their crowns...AND LIVE . Now, 12 years later, Anatello is created at last, so that bruised, battered and tired women can put on their garment of praise and turn their mourning into dancing .


Spiritual, physical and mental wellbeing are of utmost importance to living a healthy life, and it requires some love and nurturing and also sometimes the re-fill of our empty cups. ANATELLO (meaning to rise) provides the setting and guidance you need to strengthen your body, mind and soul to help you live a joyful, peaceful and hopeful life!

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